[정치]Byun Chang-heum hearing report adopted amid fierce opposition opposition party


Deferred Adoption of Hearing Report Once … Meeting in Four Days
Popular power, claiming ineligibility … Call for withdrawal and resignation
“The act of catering after the retirement ceremony” versus “Not true”


The hearing report of the candidate for Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, Byeon Chang-heum, which caused controversy at the end of the year, was approved by the National Assembly.

Despite fierce opposition from the opposition party to withdraw the nomination, the adoption of the report and the conclusion of the presidential appointment led Byun to begin his career as a minister amid controversy.

This is reporter Lee Kyung-guk.


The personal audience of candidate Byeon Chang-heum from the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport took place overnight.

After delaying the adoption of the hearing report once, the opposition party again launched a fierce offensive at the meeting after four days.

The people’s power repeatedly urged the withdrawal of nominations and voluntary resignation, listing the suspicions, including the controversy at the end of the day.

[이헌승 / 국민의힘 의원 : 새로이 드러난 성인지 감수성 결여, 준법정신 결여 및 위장 의혹, 편파적 코드인사 및 일감 몰아주기….]

Furthermore, he stated that Minister Kim Hyun-mi’s retirement ceremony was scheduled for the afternoon of the same day, and pointed out whether the staff audience was just a catering act.

[김은혜 / 국민의힘 의원 : 이러려면 야당이 무슨 필요가 있습니까? 국회가 입법부가 아니고 통법부로, 우리 모두 이렇게 기록될 겁니다.] [진선미 / 국토교통위원장(더불어민주당 소속) : 지금 확인한 바로는 그런 건 사실과 다르다고 얘기하고 있습니다.]

The Justice Party agreed to adopt the report, but urged the president to reconsider saying he could never accept Byeon’s perception.

[심상정 / 정의당 의원 : 생명과 안전에 관한 저급한 인식과 노동 인권 감수성 부족은 시대착오적이며 국민 정서와도 크게 괴리돼 있다.]

However, the Democratic Party said to the extent that the controversy has not been resolved and emphasized that the appointment of a minister is desperate for the public welfare.

[조응천 / 더불어민주당 의원 : 그동안 후보자를 현미경으로 지켜봤는데, 거두절미돼서 너무 매도당한 점이 있다고 분명히 말씀드립니다.]

The positions of the opposition parties again ran parallel to and from Goseong, and eventually Chairman Jin Seon-mi of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport forced a permanent vote.

The power of the people approached the seat of the president and protested violently, but was not accepted.

[진선미 / 국토교통위원장 (더불어민주당 소속) : (지명철회!) 재석 위원 수 총 26인 중 찬성 위원 수 17인, 기권 위원 수 9인으로 이 안건은 가결됐음을 선포합니다.]

Ultimately, candidate Byeon Chang-heum passed the threshold of the National Assembly with the label as the 26th ministerial figure to be appointed without the consent of the opposition party.

However, the controversy is expected to continue even after the appointment, as the power of the people predicted a legal response and public criticism on the real estate issue continues.

YTN Lee Kyung-guk[[email protected]]is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]