[사회]Confirmation of family returning home from UK … tactile sense of ‘mutant virus’


On the 13th, a man in his 80s returned home from England … suffering from heart disease
Died of cardiac arrest during self-isolation on the 26th … Crown 19 confirmed after death
Quarantine authorities “Mutated virus test … results for the first week of January will be released”


Family members returning home from the UK, where the mutant COVID-19 virus has spread, have been confirmed one after another.

Quarantine authorities have launched a “mutant virus test” and exact results are expected in two weeks.

This is reporter Kang Jung-gyu.


A, a man in his 80s, returned from England on the 13th.

This man, who suffered from heart disease, went into cardiac arrest during self-isolation and was taken to the emergency room of the Ilsan Hospital in Goyang-si, Gyeonggi-do, but died within 40 minutes.

Results from the Corona 19 test were positive and confirmed post mortem.

Members of one family were also confirmed to be infected one after another.

A family member who entered the country before the 8th is undergoing an epidemiological investigation on transit routes and contacts after self-isolation ends.

The quarantine authorities have also launched a “mutant virus test”.

A comprehensive genetic test is performed that compares and analyzes all the virus sequences.

Results are expected in the first week of next month.

[백순영 / 가톨릭의대 명예 교수 : 전체를 다 하는 데 시간이 많이 걸리는데… 변이된 부부만 PCR (검사)을 해서 염기서열을 분석하면 변이가 있는지 없는지 바로 확인할 수 있어요. 알고 있을 거예요. 방역 당국은….]

The mutant virus, which is known to have a strong 70% spread, is spreading rapidly to the UK, Europe, Canada, Japan and South Africa.

The Korean government has also tightened quarantine measures, including temporarily suspending flights leaving the UK on the 23rd.

[윤태호 / 중앙수고수습본부 방역총괄반장 : 유럽에서 들어오는 경우엔 들어온 지 3일 이내에 검사를 하고 격리해제 전에 다시 한번 검사를 하는 그러한 방식을 취하게 됩니다.]

If the result of this test turns out to be a mutant virus, it is confirmed as the first case of national influx, so the quarantine authorities are well aware.

YTN Kang Jeong-gyu[[email protected]]is.

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