Reject economic stimulus proposals and give amnesty to close friends


The president of the United States, Donald Trump, is making an omnipresent movement with the right to pardon and the veto. The term is less than a month away, but the term lame duck is obscure. On the 22nd (local time), President Trump fiercely criticized the economic stimulus bill, which was passed by parliament through an agreement between the opposition parties the day before, as ‘disgraceful’ through a video message from Twitter

President Trump insisted that “Congress should amend the bill to increase the ridiculously low cash payment from $ 600 to $ 2,000.” “Parliament quickly removes unnecessary and wasteful elements and then demands that the appropriate legislation be sent to me,” he said. “Otherwise, the next government will implement a stimulus plan.” In fact, this is a statement that suggests the possibility of exercising the veto.

The stimulus plan is tied to the federal budget of $ 1.4 trillion for fiscal year 2021. If the veto is exercised, there is a risk that the federal government will close on the 28th.

On that day, President Trump accused him of being “a shameful thing” and said: “Congress has sent large amounts of money to foreign countries and lobbyists. He noted that the budget included aid budgets for Cambodia, Myanmar, Egypt, Pakistan and Costa Rica as “waste”.

He also pointed out that funding for the Kennedy Center in Washington DC and the Smithsonian Museum was unnecessary. The Democratic leadership, including House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Representative Chuck Schumer, said, “We want to provide more cash.” They expected a larger support budget, but Republicans objected.

The day before, the House of Representatives passed the supporting bill with 359 in favor and 53 for the Senate, 92 in favor and 6 for the Senate. Even if President Trump exercises his veto, if more than two-thirds approve it again, the veto will be overridden.

President Trump has also voiced his veto of the Defense Authorization (Defense Budget) Act that has already passed through Congress.

Republican Senate Representative Mitch McConnell asked lawmakers to wait in Washington DC on the 28th to prepare for a new vote. If the right of veto is exercised, legislators are expected to return their vacations during the end of the year and New Years holidays and have the difficulty of attending Congress.

President Trump, who had pardoned former national security adviser Michael Flynn and political staff Roger Stone, who had previously been convicted of perjury related to the Russian presidential intervention scandal, held another ‘forgiveness party’ that day. Fifteen people were pardoned and five commuted.

The pardon included former foreign policy adviser George Papadopoulos, who was also involved in the Russian scandal, and four former soldiers convicted of killing civilians in Iraq. Three former Republican congressmen, who were involved in various corruption scandals, including securities fraud and money laundering, also obtained clemency fines.

President Trump is also committing assassinations against Republican politicians who turned their backs on him. In the data he sent to Republican lawmakers the day before, he criticized him for playing a crucial role in the re-election of McConnell’s representative, “he got off the boat first.”

That day, he called Republican Senate second brother-in-law John Shun, Republican Republican (RINO) and “son of Mitchie McConnell” and said, “The political career will end in 2022.” It is an order to remove Secretary Shun from the party primaries during the next senatorial election.

[워싱턴 = 신헌철 특파원][ⓒ 매일경제 &, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
