“I’m just doing a long-planned exhibition, but everyone speaks with their mouths without looking at the exhibition. Please come see the exhibition and put the artist’s skills on the cutting board.” “Political color? Many people close to the Geumsan Gallery really pay attention to maintenance. It seems that many people do not know that they are representatives, also, this exhibition has nothing to do with politics, it is a pity that there are many people with glasses Sun.
President Moon Jae-in’s son Moon Joon-yong opened his mouth on the 20th about speculation about the exhibition. When the conspiracy theory of “the exhibition will be upgraded to the third stage of ‘social distancing'” was raised in some conservative communities about this exhibition, Hwang expressed his feelings in one word “outrageous”.
Earlier on the 18th, the street and vertical research institute (Ka Se-yeon) on the YouTube channel said, “There are sayings that the third stage will take place after the 23rd.” “Mr. Jun-Yong Moon opens a solo show until the 23rd.” “It is not like this?” Regarding this, Hwang said, “Isn’t this a word that is not worth answering?” And said, “In the third stage, we close the door like any other gallery.”
Representative Hwang is known as President Moon and a former student of Namhang Elementary School in Busan. This exhibition, titled “ Beyond the Look, Between Somewhere ”, is a solo exhibition prepared by Jun-Yong Moon, who has been active as a media artist, after eight years since 2012. Five works by multimedia art including ‘Inside’ and ‘Outside’. After news of the exhibition was announced, the Geumsan Gallery was closed once due to crowds of website visitors.
-Why did you have to expose at this time?
“It was a situation that should not be done this year. Moon Joon-yong was supported by the artist support program of the Seoul Cultural Foundation. Originally, an exhibition was planned to open in November, but it was only delayed due to the delay in the production.
-There is a claim that the 3rd stage of social distancing begins only after the exposure ends.
“It is ridiculous. We will close it if it is step 3 according to the quarantine guidelines. There was a lot of noise on YouTube, but only 50 people came to see the actual exhibition yesterday. I think today is less than yesterday.”
Under current quarantine guidelines, public and national art museums are closed, but commercial galleries can operate on the premise that approximately one person is admitted for every 16m2 (roughly 5 pyeong) of exhibition space. In addition to Geumsan Gallery, several galleries are on display in central Seoul, such as Kukje, PKM, Lian, and Hakgojae.
-The gallery home page was also inactive.
“It is true that it was inactive for a while. But there are not many people who come to see the exhibition.”
-Moon Jun-yong, did you think the exhibition would be such a hot topic?
“I didn’t know it would be that long. There are more conservative figures around me. However, since the inauguration of President Moon Jae-in, the art trade has been disrupted due to many misunderstandings. Will you buy it? For Corona 19, the gallery is going through many difficulties. ”
-The artist Joon-Yong Moon seen as the representative of the gallery.
“I think he is definitely one of the leaders in the field of AR (Augmented Reality) and VR (Virtual Reality). It is the same as the evaluation of many middle-aged writers from the Video Writers Association.” There was a reporter who looked at the exhibition and said it was the best work from this year’s exhibition. Please come see and judge. ”
Jun-Yong Moon graduated from Konkuk University’s Department of Multimedia Visual Design in 2007 and studied in Parsons, New York, USA.He has participated in international exhibitions such as the Museum of Modern Art in New York (MoMA), as well such as exhibitions at the National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, the Seoul Museum of Art, the Gwangju Design Biennale and the Kumho Museum of Art.
Reporter Eunjoo Lee [email protected]