Baekdu-san’s tiger stalks Russian private home … Why?


Baekdu-san tiger, known as the largest species of tiger on Earth in Russia [사진 출처 = 게티이미지뱅크]

picture explanationBaekdu-san tiger, known as the largest species of tiger on Earth in Russia [사진 출처 = 게티이미지뱅크]

The Baekdu-san tiger, known as the largest species of tiger on the planet, is known to descend on Russian private homes and hunt. Tigers are said to hunt livestock more often than humans.

According to the tiger research group ‘Amur Tiger Center’, on the 18th (local time) earlier this month, a Baekdu mountain tiger attacked and killed a dog in a private house in a village in the Dalenechinsk region. in the northern part of the maritime province. Local wildlife protection authorities have decided to capture the object for fear of further damage.

The Wildlife Conservation Authority recently announced that there have been a number of cases in which dogs raised in private homes were killed in an attack by a Baekdu tiger in the northern coastal regions. Consequently, protection authorities determined that a Baekdu Mountain tiger repeatedly appeared in private homes and was hunting cattle.

In the Russian Far East, a Baekdu tiger has been prowling private homes and attacking livestock since last June. Two cows were raided in pastures in the Pozarski region in the northern part of the Maritime Sea, and farms in the vicinity of the Anuyski National Park in Khabarovsk were also raided, killing a foal.

At the time, the experts emphasized that it is not common for Baekdu-san tigers to appear in private homes, but explained that there may be cases where there is a lack of prey in the habitat. Consequently, the protection authorities decided to safely capture and protect the object to avoid damage to livestock.

The Baekdusan tiger is currently designated on the ‘Red List’ of the International Federation for Conservation of Nature, and is a species that must be protected internationally. Currently, the population is only 600, of which 90% are known to live in the Maritime Province and the Khabarovsk Province.

Meanwhile, according to the Russian Amur Tiger Center (hereinafter referred to as the Center), on the morning of the 6th, a Baekdu-san tiger was found dead after colliding with a running car on a road in the district of Nanaisky from Khabarovsk.

[최현주 매경닷컴 기자 [email protected] / 박완준 인턴기자][ⓒ 매일경제 &, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
