In Gyeonggi province, a patient in her 80s died in 4 days while waiting for a bed.


In Gyeonggi-do, a person confirmed by corona19 died while waiting for a bed assignment.

Gyeonggi Province announced on the 18th that a patient in her 80s, who was confirmed on the 12th in a nursing hospital in Bucheon, quarantined in one cohort, died while waiting in bed on the 16th, four days after the diagnosis.

A Dodo and Bucheon City official said, “The person who died was a patient with an underlying disease in old age.” “The name of the disease is personal information, so it is difficult to reveal it, but it was a patient lying in bed due to his mobility.”

“A male patient in his 80s who died while waiting for a bed was found to have died because the public health center kept asking for a bed assignment, but there was no room, and the condition got worse in the meantime.”

An official from the Bucheon City Health Center said: “There are two doctors in the hospital who are checking confirmed cases from the nursing hospital where the death occurred, but the priority list of bed allocation given by the hospitals Nursing is very old and the symptoms often get worse by the day. I received an email and requested it from Gyeonggi Province, but recently, the number of confirmed patients has increased and beds are not being allocated on time. “

In Gyeonggi-do, there are 251 people waiting for hospitals who have not been allocated a bed, and most of them are known to be patients with moderate disease.

A patient in her 70s, who was confirmed on the 11th at the same nursing hospital, died on the 17th while receiving treatment at the Icheon Hospital of the Gyeonggi-do Medical Center after being assigned a bed the same day.

At this nursing hospital, the cumulative number of deaths so far has risen to 4, including two confirmed patients in their 70s.

In a briefing the day before, Gyeonggi-do Corona 19 emergency response manager Lim Seung-gwan said, “ There are facilities that do not even provide basic treatment, such as food and medicine, for patients who stay. at the facility due to the success of confirmed patients in nursing hospitals with many underlying and elderly illnesses and the delay in bed allocation. ” In fact, the urgent need for confirmed patients is treatment through hospital beds and medical personnel ”.

At 0 o’clock on that day, the Corona 19 treatment hospital bed utilization rate in Tokyo was 86.8% (667 of 768 used), higher than the previous day (84.6%).

At midnight the day before, 4 of the 49 beds for seriously ill patients were abandoned, and only 2 were exhausted in one day.

Earlier in Seoul, a patient in his 60s with an underlying disease was confirmed to have died on the 15th, after being confirmed on the 12th, while waiting for a bed on the 15th.

The Seoul Metropolitan Government explained that it was due to an overload of the medical and administrative system.

“Since August 21, in accordance with the Seoul Metropolitan Area Joint Bed Utilization Plan jointly administered by the Ministry of Health and Welfare, Seoul City, Gyeonggi Province, and Incheon City, we have been carrying out carried out patient triage and bed allocation through Corona 19’s field response team within the National Medical Center. ” He said: “There was a difficulty in assigning beds to the response team at the scene due to the explosion of confirmed cases since early December.”
