[정치]Democratic Party “Severe Disaster Law, handled this session” …


The Democratic Party holds a general assembly of politicians to discuss the ‘severe disaster law’
“A serious accident takes a precious life” … Emphasis on legislative will
Issues with disagreements and concerns within ‘super-legislative and redundant regulation’


In addition, the Democratic Party emphasized that it will address the law of corporate punishment for severe disasters within this extraordinary session of the National Assembly.

In related meetings, controversy over issues continued, and the key is how to reconcile differences of opinion within and outside the political sphere, as well as within the Democratic Party.

This is reporter Lee Kyung-guk.


More than 100 members of the Democratic Party of Korea met via video conference.

The General Assembly of the Policy Council was held to discuss the Severe Disaster Punishment Law, which strengthens the responsibility of the employer and the punishment for “industrial accidents”.

First, the Democratic Party expressed a clear will to legislate, saying that the damage caused by major accidents continues.

[이낙연 / 더불어민주당 대표 : 불행의 사슬을 이제는 끊어야 할 텐데, 우리가 입법적인 의지를 보일 때는 됐다고 생각합니다.]

It is political to make the bills presented as “ alternatives ” and process them in the extraordinary National Assembly, which will continue until the 8th of next month.

[김태년 / 더불어민주당 원내대표 : 법이 명확하고 실효적으로 제정돼야 할 필요가 있습니다. (각계 의견을) 충분히 경청하는 절차를 마련하겠다….]

At the actual meeting, there were unlimited discussions for over two hours on the 17 internally organized topics.

In particular, the controversy over the punishment provisions for public officials and the application of multiple-use businesses continued, but could not conclude, and decided to leave the discussion to the standing committee in charge and the policy committee.

[백혜련 / 더불어민주당 의원 : 공무원 처벌 특례와 관련해서도 범위가 넓어서 행정적으로 문제가 발생할 수 있다. 다중이용업소 범위가 좀 넓다는 의견이….]

The Justice Party, which has been calling for the bill to be processed within a year, is very concerned.

Park Eun-mi, who has been fasting with the victim’s family for a week, visited the conference room and asked for speedy processing.

At the same time, he again emphasized the passage of the original bill, saying that the content of the bill should not be withdrawn.

[강은미 / 정의당 원내대표 : 기업 회장 등 해당 법인의 의사결정에 실질적 영향력을 행사하는 자를 책임 의무 대상에 포함해야 합니다. 원청의 책임을 물을 수 있어야 합니다.]

Half a year after the presentation of the first bill, the debate began in earnest.

In addition to the backlash from the business world, as well as the disagreements across the political world, we are interested in what the bill contains and what will cross the threshold of the National Assembly.

YTN Lee Kyung-guk[[email protected]]is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]