[경제]9 consecutive months of employees ↓ … fear of worsening after December due to crown reproliferation


Reduction in the number of employees in the longest period after the IMF financial crisis
Decrease in the number of employed people of all age groups except 60 years and over
Employment of youth in their 20s, 200,000 declined last month
Manufacturing employment, the biggest drop in 21 months


The number of employees fell by more than 270,000 last month and the number of employees fell for the ninth consecutive month.

After December, concerns have grown that the employment situation will worsen due to the reproliferation of Corona 19 and the effects of distancing.

Reporter Oh In-seok about the report.


Last month, the number of employed employees decreased by 273,000 from the previous year.

The drop in the number of employees has continued for nine consecutive months since last March, the longest drop since the 16th consecutive month during the IMF financial crisis.

However, the decline last month was less than in September and October.

The decline in the number of employed persons in all age groups, except those aged 60 and over, continued last month.

The number of employed persons has decreased by more than 200,000 young people in their twenties due to the decrease in new hires.

The decrease in the number of employed persons was reduced mainly in the industries of face-to-face services such as accommodation, food and wholesale and retail trade, while the decrease in the manufacturing sector increased.

The number of jobs in manufacturing industry decreased the most in 21 months.

[정동명 / 통계청 사회통계국장 : 자동차 트레일러 제조업이라든가 금속 가공제품 제조업 이런 데서 취업자 감소가 올해 코로나 영향으로 지속적으로 영향을 미치지 않았나, 이렇게 생각되고 있습니다.]

In November, the unemployment rate was the highest since November 2004, and the number of unemployed increased by 100,000.

The employment situation is more likely to worsen as the effects of Corona 19’s reproliferation and distancing have been seriously reflected after December.

Vice Premier Hong Nam-ki said he was concerned that the employment impact from the third Corona 19 spread would appear in December and next January, and said he would devote all his efforts to the rapid recovery of the economy and employment while focuses on quarantine.

The government has decided to prioritize economic policy in support of the victims of the deteriorating labor market.

YTN Oh Inseok[[email protected]]is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]