[정치]Chu Miae “The prosecution will fulfill its call for reform … the public prosecutor’s office”


Chu Mi-ae “Prosecutors will play a role in the ‘protection of human rights'”
“As Minister of Justice, I will fulfill my call to reform the prosecution service.”
Park Ji-won “There will never be any political intervention in the National Intelligence Service”
“Transfer of anti-aircraft investigation rights, close cooperation with the police”
Jinyoung “Improves the ability of the police to be a security guard”
“Autonomous Police Preparation Team Launches Immediately … Reorganization of Investigation System”


While the legislative process of the Third Law on Reform of Energy Institutions was completed, including the amendment to the Air Transport Law, the ministers of the related ministries held a joint briefing session and committed to reform without interruption.

In particular, the Minister of Justice, Chu Mi-ae, reaffirmed that he is the main supervisor of the affairs of the prosecution and emphasized that he will fulfill his vocation to reform the prosecution.

This is reporter Dowon Kim.


Prosecutors, the police and the heads of the three main power agencies of the National Intelligence Service met.

After the official promulgation of the III Law of Reform of the Institutions of Power, approved by the National Assembly, it is a place to reveal the future plan of action.

Justice Minister Choo Mi-ae said that by adjusting investigative powers, the prosecution will faithfully fulfill its natural role in protecting human rights in the future.

In addition, he said that he will fulfill his call to reform the Prosecutor’s Office so that the Prosecutor’s Office can be reborn as an institution of trust of the people.

[추미애 / 법무부 장관 : 앞으로는 ‘검찰을 위한 검찰’이 아니라, 국민만을 바라보고, 국민이 원하는 정의를 구현하는 ‘국민의 검찰’로 나아가게 될 것입니다.]

The director of the National Intelligence Service, Park Ji-won, said that there will be no political intervention and that information activities will be subject to the democratic control of the National Assembly.

We decided to cooperate closely with the police for the transfer of anti-aircraft investigation rights and consider establishing an organization dedicated to ensuring that there are no breaches in national security investigations.

[박지원 / 국가정보원장 : 방첩 및 산업기술 유출을 막아 국익을 수호하겠습니다. 해킹, 사이버 테러 대응에 역량을 집중해 국민, 국가, 기업을 보호하겠습니다.]

Public Administration and Security Minister Jin-young also stressed that he would enhance the capabilities of security guards by assuming authority to investigate air defense.

In preparation for the full introduction of the autonomous police system, a preparatory group will be formed immediately and the reorganization of the investigation system for the launch of the national investigation headquarters will be completed within this year.

[진 영 / 행정안전부 장관 : 이번 경찰개혁 법안 통과로 중앙에 집중되었던 경찰의 권한이 분산되고, 경찰에 대한 민주적 통제가 실질적으로 이뤄지게 될 것입니다.]

There was no direct comment on Attorney General Yoon Seok-yeol’s disciplinary decision that came out that day.

Since the legalization of reforms in institutions of power such as the prosecution has ended, it is interpreted to mean that we will focus our efforts on establishing a new system in the future.

I am YTN Kim Do-won.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]