[정치]”It is necessary to cut the rent, but it is autonomous” … Government party ‘fight’



A poll found that 7 out of 10 citizens agree with the rent cuts for the self-employed who have suffered from Corona 19.

However, the view prevailed that landlords should choose autonomously whether to lower the actual rent.

The ruling government party is digging into how to solve the rent problem.

Reporter Song Jae-in’s report.


In addition, the Democratic Party re-emphasized its policy of promoting “fair income” for the self-employed.

The time has come when existing Corona 19 support, such as disaster grants, is not enough.

[이낙연 / 더불어민주당 대표 : 코로나19로 영업을 하지 못하고 소득도 없는데 임차료는 그대로 내야 한다면 그것은 너무 가혹합니다.]

However, the specific method is the problem.

It is not clear how effective it will be to legally force rent reductions, such as the “superior rental method,” and how effective it will be to induce a voluntary rent reduction by increasing tax incentives for landlords.

First, it is more powerful to induce the voluntary “landlord movement” by increasing incentives rather than legalization, but financial concerns run deep as we are also considering a plan to directly subsidize tenants.

So what about people’s opinion?

As a result of an actual meter survey, it was first found that there is a general consensus on the “fair rent” itself.

Seven out of 10 admitted the need.

However, the opinion that the landlord should decide whether to reduce the actual rent was predominant at 49.3%.

On the other hand, 39.8% of those surveyed said that rent reductions are mandatory due to legal regulations.

On methodology, opinions diverged, especially due to ideological orientation.

Conservative tendencies favored civil autonomy, while progressive tendencies preferred reduced obligations.

After all, it means that solving the rent problem also involves a lot of political issues.

There is also strong criticism that the rent reduction policy encourages “separate camps” between landlords and tenants.

The ruling government party is deepening its concerns, although it has issued a ‘fair rent’ policy, but has not decided on a specific direction.

YTN Song Jae-in[[email protected]]is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]