[정치]After work, amendments to the Law of the Ministry of Air Transport were passed …



The revised bill of the High-Level Officers Criminal Investigations Act was approved in the plenary session of the National Assembly after work.

The main objective is to neutralize the veto of the opposition party to recommend candidates to the head of the airlift.

With this, even if the power of the people is opposed, the airlift can be launched in the new year.

Reporter Choi A-young reports.

[기자] [박병석 / 국회의장 : 찬성 187인, 반대 99인, 기권 1인으로 고위공직자 범죄수사처 설치 및 운영에 관한 법률 일부 개정법률안 대안은 가결됐음을 선포합니다. 땅땅땅.]

After twists and turns, the revised bill from the Senior Officers Crime Investigation Office passed the threshold of the National Assembly.

The slogan of applause from the Democratic Party and the ‘dictatorship’ of popular power came out.

The amendment to the Ministry of Aeronautical Law also included content that facilitates the quorum of votes when recommending candidates for the Minister of Air Transport and reduces the requirements for prosecutors from 10 to 7 years of attorney qualification.

In fact, even if the opposition party objected, it was possible to elect the chief of the airlift.

Although the amendment will be implemented after enactment, the voting quorum change was added so that it can be applied to the current nominating committee.

After the legislative race, the Democratic Party announced that it would accelerate the reform of the institutions of power and announced a swift war with the launch of the airlift.

[김태년 / 더불어민주당 원내대표 : 개혁은 험난한 과정의 연속이지만 결코 멈출 수는 없습니다. 공수처는 시대 요청에 따른 필연적 개혁입니다.]

If the National Assembly re-establishes the Committee to recommend candidates for the Dean of Karate, sooner or later, the nominating committees will recommend two of the nine candidates to the President.

After that, if the president nominates a person and goes through a personnel hearing within 20 days, the first chief of the airlift is expected to appear as soon as this month.

He strongly criticized the loyalty of the government, saying that the defenseless power of the people, despite unlimited debate, is an irrational power.

[주호영 / 국민의힘 원내대표 : 참으로 참담하고 분노가 치솟는데요. 공수처법 개정안으로 문재인 대통령과 민주당 정권이 폭망의 길로 드디어 시동을 걸었다고 확신하고 있습니다.]

After long work, the launch of the high-ranking officials criminal investigation bureau has now crossed the ninth ridge.

If it is safely passed to the audience of the staff of the Minister of Public Transport, it will be possible to enter into operation on a large scale next month and the beginning of the New Year.

YTN Choi Ayoung[[email protected]]it is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]