[정치]From Exceptional Appointment to Exclusion from the Job … President Moon Quietly Fights


Attorney General Yoon Seok-yeol excludes his duties after 1 year and 4 months of appointment
The power of the people, President Moon raises the responsibility … “Tolerance from behind”
靑, guideline controversy limit … Watch the situation silently


For the first time in history, the Blue House said: “ The president has also been denounced, ” due to the unprecedented exclusion from the functions of the Attorney General.

Unless Yoon voluntarily announces his intention to resign, it is highly likely that President Moon, who is the appointing authority, will actually decide on his move.

Reporter Na Yeon-soo reports.

[기자] [문재인 대통령 (지난해 7월 검찰총장 임명식 당시) : 만에 하나 권력형 비리가 있다면 그 점에 대해서는 정말 엄정한 그런 자세로 임해 주시기를 바라고요.] [윤석열 / 검찰총장 : 어떤 방식으로 이 권한 행사를 해야 하는지 헌법 정신에 비추어서 깊이 고민을 하겠습니다.]

Attorney General Yoon Seok-yeol, who was appointed by President Moon Jae-in with full confidence, was removed from office after one year and four months.

It is the official announcement from the Blue House that President Moon received a related report just prior to the announcement from the Minister of Justice, and that there was no comment.

Regardless of what “silence” means, it is the first time that President Moon’s reaction to the conflict between Justice Minister Choo Mi-ae and General Yoon has been revealed.

The opposition party is calling for President Moon to take responsibility directly and fire him, saying it is tolerating behind Minister Chu.

[주호영 / 국민의힘 원내대표 : 대통령이 손에 피 안 묻히고 윤석열 총장을 자르려고 저런다, 우리는 그렇게 판단하고 있습니다.]

However, President Moon cannot immediately fire Yun.

This is because the Law on the Prosecutor’s Office stipulates that the prosecutor cannot be removed from office unless he has been sentenced to impeachment or imprisonment or higher and dismissal without disciplinary action or qualification examination.

However, President Moon, who has the authority to appoint, can directly or indirectly convey the message of resignation to Yoon.

[윤석열 / 검찰총장(지난달 국정감사) : 민주당에서 사퇴하라 이런 얘기 나왔을 때도(대통령께서) 적절한 메신저를 통해서 흔들리지 말고 임기를 지키면서 소임을 다하라고 말씀을 전해주셨습니다.]

Since the situation is still ongoing at the Ministry of Justice, the Blue House is closely monitoring the impact of this incident on the launch of the airlift and on public opinion.

Internally, whatever President Moon does, he seems wary of the possibility of exacerbating controversies such as the presentation of guidelines.

However, if the disciplinary committee of the Ministry of Justice, expected next week, decides to fire Yun as soon as possible, subsequent executions will be entirely up to President Moon.

In this case, President Moon and the Blue House are expected to keep fighting despite the silence, as they have to bear the political burden of pushing back President Yoon, who had been appointed despite opposition from the opposition.

YTN Na Yeonsu[[email protected]]it is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]