[정치]The Democratic Party “must launch an airlift this year” … the power of the people “on the way to dictatorship”


Democratic Party “Abusing the right to veto the opposition nominating committee … dragging time”
Popular Power “Appoint the head of the Democratic Party at will”
President Park Byeong-seok meets with opposition leader and media


After the nomination of a candidate for chief criminal investigation of high-ranking public officials was lost, a subsequent storm swept through the political world.

The Democratic Party has stepped forward to enforce the law amendment, saying that it will surely establish an airborne agency within this year, and the power of the people is against it, saying it is going to be a dictatorship.

Reporter Choi A-young reports.


The only thing that remained after the recommendation of the candidate for the head of the Criminal Investigation Department of Senior Officials was empty-handed of the opponents of the opposition party.

The Democratic Party argued that it was due to the abuse of the veto by the People’s Power Recommendation Committee and that it was trying to defeat the launch of the airlift by taking time.

[김태년 / 더불어민주당 원내대표 : 아무리 훌륭한 제도도 악용하면 무용지물이 되고 만다는 것을 야당 스스로 증명했습니다.]

On the other hand, the power of the people was to recommend and elect an ineligible person, and he said that he was trying to appoint the chief of the airlift as the Democrats liked.

[주호영 / 국민의힘 원내대표 : 참 후안무치합니다. 검찰 독재, 공수처 독재로 가는 이런 일들을 국민이 결코 좌시하지 않을 것입니다.]

Whatever the case, the Democratic Party, which said it would launch an airlift within this year, finally raised a revision of the Airborne Act.

[백혜련 / 법제사법위원회 더불어민주당 간사 : 25일 법안소위를 개최해 여야가 발의한 모든 법을 병합 심사할 것이며 비토(거부)권을 포함해 합리적인 안을 도출하고….]

Democrats have reduced their voting quorum from six from seven to two-thirds, neutralizing the opposition veto, or

When the nominating committee is up and running, a bill has been introduced in the National Assembly that requires a conclusion within 30 days.

As if the power of the people was waiting, they protested that the removal of the opposition party’s veto was intended to hide corruption in the regime.

[김도읍 / 법제사법위원회 국민의힘 간사 : 공수처는 말 안 듣는 공직자, 야당 인사들만 손보는 ‘정권 보위부’란 점만 명명백백 드러난 것입니다.]

In the free speech plenary session, opposition lawmakers reproached each other, and the Speaker of the National Assembly, Park Byung-seok, met with representatives of the ruling party to mediate.

[박병석 / 국회의장 : 지금이라도 여야 지도부가 진지하게 국민의 여망에 부응하는 결론을 내주도록 협의해 주시기를 촉구합니다.]

If the Democratic Party raises a huge seat to revise the Air Transportation Act, there is virtually no way people will stop it.

It is noteworthy if a dramatic agreement will be reached when representatives of the ruling party meet next week, chaired by the Speaker of the National Assembly, Park Byung-seok.

YTN Choi Ayoung[[email protected]]it is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]