[경제]”Supply 114,000 units of private rental housing by 2022″


Announcement of stabilization measures for the jeonse crisis … “Extended offer of public leases”
“Intensive offer of 40% of the total volume until the first half of next year”
Introducing quality housing for life … The middle class has lived up to 30 years


The government has announced that it will supply 114,000 private public housing by next year to stabilize housing for the lower and middle class.

Also, as a medium to long-term task, we plan to introduce the concept of a ‘quality housing for life’ in which even the middle class can live safely for up to 30 years.

Reporter Taemin Kim reported.


The government, which had been fighting for a long time over the indeterminate and high prices of jeonse, finally proposed a countermeasure.

As the market predicted, this plan focused on expanding the supply of public rental housing.

[홍남기 / 경제부총리 : 정부는 전세수요의 매매 전환, 유동성 공급 등의 수요 관리형 전세 대책은 가능한 배제하고 주택 재고 총량을 증가시키는 방식으로 임대주택 공급 확충에 주력하였습니다.]

Consequently, over the next two years, it plans to supply 114,000 additional private housing units across the country, of which 70,000 households were concentrated in the metropolitan area and 35,000 households in Seoul.

In particular, we plan to do our best to expand 40% of the total volume by the first half of next year to extinguish the urgent blaze of the jeonse crisis.

[홍남기 / 경제부총리 : 특히 당면한 전세시장의 어려움 해소를 위하여 21년 내년 상반기까지 초단기 공급 물량 확보에 총력을 기울이기로 하였습니다.]

Immediately from the following month, 7,000 new public rental units have been purchased, recently introduced public rental houses that hastily recruit 39,000 public rental tenants who are vacant for more than 3 months, and purchased new construction by private construction companies to use them in public leases. It plans to supply 3,000 households.

Furthermore, starting in the second half of next year, plans to remodel empty shopping malls, offices and accommodation facilities and supply them as residential spaces will be seriously promoted.

Furthermore, by introducing the concept of ‘quality housing for life’ that can live up to 30 years in the future, we plan to expand the opportunity to live in rental housing to the middle class and provide new medium-sized housing for 3- 4 people.

In addition, 15 former public rental complexes will be selected nationwide and reconstruction will be promoted in the form of a ‘social mix’ combining public sales and public leasing.

YTN Kim Taemin[[email protected]]it is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]