343 new people confirmed … Almost 300 people sprout in Korea (supplementary) -Asia Economy


Citizens rush to walk with umbrellas on their way to work on a street near Sejong-daero in Seoul on the 19th after heavy autumn rain.  / Reporter Kim Hyun-min kimhyun81 @

Citizens rush to walk with umbrellas on the way to work on the streets near Sejong-daero in Seoul on the 19th after heavy autumn rain. / Reporter Kim Hyun-min kimhyun81 @

[아시아경제 조현의 기자] The number of new coronavirus infections in Korea (Corona 19) increased by 343 on the 19th.

The number of new confirmed cases increased by 30 more than the previous day, reaching 300 for two consecutive days. It is the first time since the end of August, the 300 people for two consecutive days.

The Central Defense Response Headquarters (Bang Dae-bon) announced that as of 0 o’clock on the day, the number of confirmed cases of corona 19 increased by 343 from 0 o’clock the day before to 29654.

In particular, the number of confirmed cases in Korea approached 300. Looking at the infection route of the new confirmed cases, 293 people are spreading in the region and 50 people are arriving from abroad.

Local occurrences were 107 in Seoul, 59 in Gyeonggi, 28 in Gyeongnam, 27 in Jeonnam, 20 in Gangwon, 13 in Chungnam, 11 in Incheon, 8 in Gyeongbuk, 8 in Gwangju, 5 in Busan, 3 in Chungbuk and 2 in Daegu. , Daejeon 1, Jeonbuk 1A confirmed case came out.

Of the 50 confirmed cases of foreign influx, 39 were confirmed during the entry quarantine process. The rest were positive while isolating themselves in residential or temporary facilities in each region, including 2 in Seoul and 1 each in Incheon, Chungbuk, Jeonnam and Jeonbuk.

The number of patients who were cured and released from quarantine was 26,098, 125 more than the previous day. The death toll was 498, an increase of 2 from the previous day.

[email protected] from reporter Jo Hyun
