There were 143 new cases of coronavirus infection (Corona 19) in Korea.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention of Korea’s Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on the 8th, the number of new patients crown19 at 0 o’clock on that day was counted as 143. The cumulative number Corona 19 patients in Korea was 27,427. As for the trend of patients during the last week, it has been around 100 people. As of 2, the number of new patients occurred in each of 97 → 75 → 118 → 125 → 145 → 89 → 143.
By looking at the infection route of the new confirmed cases, 118 outbreaks in Korea and 25 entries from abroad. The domestic outbreaks were still concentrated in the metropolitan area. Seoul (54), Gyeonggi (23) and Incheon (2). The number of patients in the metropolitan area is 79, which represents 67% of all new cases in Korea.
Outside the metropolitan area, Gangwon (9 people), Chungnam (8 people), Daegu (7 people), Gyeongnam (5 people), Jeonnam (3 people), Gwangju Metropolitan City, Chungbuk, Gyeongbuk (2 people each), Daejeon (1 person)), a new patient was reported.
14 cases of infection from abroad were confirmed during the quarantine phase of airports and ports. It was also found that 11 people became infected during the period of self-isolation in the community.
There were 58 newly released quarantines and a total of 24,968 (91.4%) were released from quarantine. Currently, 1981 patients are being isolated and treated. There are 58 patients with severe or severe gastric disease. Added one more death. There are 478 patients who have died from Corona 19 so far (with a mortality rate of 1.7%).
Starting on the 7th, the government applied new rules to prevent distancing at the national level, divided into five stages. Currently, the country is in the first stage with the exception of Cheonan and Asan (step 1.5).
Sejong = Minwook Reporter Kim [email protected]