1 Million Won Funds for Small Business Owners, Online Business Owners, and Private Taxis (General) -Maeil Economy-Maeil Economy


  1. 1 Million Won Funds for Small Business Owners, Online Business Owners, and Private Taxis (General) -Maeil Economy Maeil Economy
  2. How much will someone, such as small entrepreneurs and youth, receive disaster support funds? [뉴스 9] TVCHOSUN News
  3. “Is this for the best?” Hankook Ilbo, “Eojeongzeng Disaster Subsidies” that are neither selective nor universal
  4. Restaurant 1.5 million won, karaoke 2 million won … 86% subsidies for small business owners / JTBC morning and JTBC News
  5. 600,000 won in cash given to 10 million people … Economic measures such as the government’s second disaster relief fund: Maeil Economy Maeil Economy
  6. See full content on Google News