[종합] 88 new confirmed, 72 local, 16 abroad … ‘Halloween Day’ super tension


119 new diagnoses ... three digits again in three days. [사진 출처 = 연합뉴스]

picture explanation119 new diagnoses … three digits again in three days. [사진 출처 = 연합뉴스]

As Corona 19 continued to spread through the metropolitan area, the number of new confirmed cases reached 80 on the 27th.

The number decreased from 119 the day before and dropped to double digits after two days. However, the scale of group infections in nursing homes, nursing homes and rehabilitation hospitals increases day by day, and sporadic infections are also occurring in family gatherings, acquaintances, academies, etc., so the number of patients confirmed can increase at any time.

Quarantine authorities are particularly aware of the possibility that the number of confirmed cases will increase dramatically as the number of confirmed cases increases as a new cycle of infection occurs if the number of club visits by young people increases. before ‘Halloween Day’ on the 31st.

The Central Defense Response Headquarters announced that as of 0 o’clock on the day, the number of new confirmed corona 19 cases increased by 88 to a cumulative 26.43.

The number of new confirmed cases decreased by 31 compared to the previous day (119).

By looking at the infection route of 88 new confirmed patients on this day, 72 local outbreaks and 16 foreign entries.

In the area where confirmed cases were found, 53 were in the metropolitan area, including 24 in Seoul, 27 in Gyeonggi and 2 in Incheon. Outside of the metropolitan area, Gangwon is the largest with 6, followed by Daejeon and Gyeongnam with 5, Jeonnam with 2 and Chungbuk with 1.

A total of 30 patients (including those infected in other regions) were confirmed at ‘Raphael House’, a social assistance center for the disabled in Yeoju, Gyeonggi-do.

In addition, there were confirmed cases in “Happy Nursing Home” in Namyang-si, Gyeonggi-do (59 people accumulated), “Gunpo-si medical institutions and nursing facilities in Anyang-si” (44 people) and “SRC Rehabilitation Hospital” in Gwangju-si, Gyeonggi-do (135 people). In Changwon, Gyeongsangnam-do, 10 people were confirmed when a new infection occurred in the family group.

There has also been a new outbreak of group infections related to social golf tournaments. A man in his 50s (patient 437 in Seongnam City), who attended a golf tournament for college alumni held at a golf course in Yongin on the 17th, was confirmed for the first time on the 22nd, and then 11 people only in Seongnam and Anyang. There was a confirmed case. Residents from other regions are also known to be among those attending golf tournaments, and the number of related confirmed cases is likely to rise further.

The number of confirmed entries abroad was 16, 9 less than the previous day (25).

Of the confirmed cases of overseas influx, 5 were confirmed during the quarantine process at the airport or port, and the remaining 11 were positive during self-isolation in residential or temporary facilities in Gyeonggi (8), Busan, Chungnam and Jeonnam (1 each). .

Meanwhile, the number of deaths increased by three from the day before to 460. The average death rate in Korea is 1.77%.

The number of patients with “ severe severity ” whose condition is severe or worse after being confirmed with Corona 19 is 52, 1 less than the day before.

[이상규 기자 [email protected]][ⓒ 매일경제 & mk.co.kr, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
