[정치]Withdrawal of the Law on corporate punishment for serious accidents Government proposal … Family in grief “Not effective”



The controversy was sparked when the government lowered the level of punishment and introduced a law to punish companies in serious disasters.

Additionally, the Democratic Party assessed that the government had no choice but to have complaints and that it had resolved some of the legal problems.

The Justice Party and the families of the victims, eager for legislation, protested that it is becoming a law that protects companies.

This is a reporter, general manager.


The relatives of the victims who have starved for the 19 in the National Assembly, demanding the enactment of the Law of Corporate Punishment for Severe Accidents, visited the meeting room of the Legal and Judicial Commission.

This is to appeal to the committee members saying that they will never be able to accept the government’s proposal presented to the National Assembly.

[이용관 / 고 이한빛 PD 아버지 : 말도 안 되는 안을, 정부안이라고 가져왔어요.] [김미숙 / 고 김용균씨 어머니 : 용균이도 (법 적용 대상에서) 다 빠져 있어요. 산안법처럼 지금 또 계속 죽이겠다는 거 아니에요?]

The government draft also contained content that would allow a corporate representative to be sentenced to jail who caused a serious disaster by disregarding security obligations.

However, depending on the size of the workplace, a grace period was granted to apply to companies with more than 100 employees, and the amount of punitive damages was also limited.

The target of punishment, timing and level of punishment have been reduced from the previous discussion.

Rivals have revealed a dramatic temperature difference.

The Democratic Party assessed positively that the legal issues raised thus far have been resolved to some extent.

[백혜련 / 더불어민주당 법사위 간사 : 정부는 여러 각계각층의 입장을 종합하고 취합해서 의견을 낼 수밖에 없는 고충이 있다고 생각합니다.]

They confronted that the power of the people was vague from the definition of the concept.

[전주혜 / 국민의힘 법사위원 : 법 취지가 좋다고 하더라도 법 적용에 있어서 혼선이 없기 위해서는 구체성 명확성이 가장 중요합니다.]

The Justice Party, which is most active in enacting the law, criticized the government for introducing a “protection law”, not a punishment law for seriously injured companies.

Since 85% of serious accidents occur in workplaces with fewer than 50 employees, postponing implementation is not effective.

[장태수 / 정의당 대변인 : 시민 생명을 지키겠다는 의지가 없습니다. 살아서 퇴근하고 싶다는 시민들의 바람이 담겨있지 않습니다.]

The Democratic Party is in a position to approve the bill on the 8th of next month, the last day of this extraordinary assembly, but extreme pain is expected in the discussion process.

YTN Manager[[email protected]]is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]