[정치]Will CCTV be installed in the ‘hot potato’ operating room? … the government “listens to various opinions”


National petition for the father of a 6-year-old boy who died after one-way surgery
The government responds to the agreement of 200,000 people for ‘mandatory CCTV in operating rooms’
Requests for the installation of CCTV in the operating room followed responses from the government.


The government gave an official response to the Blue House request requiring the installation of CCTV in the operating room, saying the fetus died during delivery due to unreasonable medical practices.

It remains a cautious position, and although 7 out of 10 people agree, it seems to reflect the situation that the medical community strongly opposes.

Reporter Baek Jong-gyu reported.


Last July, a story about the loss of a 6-year-old son who was undergoing one-way surgery in a medical accident was published in the Blue House National Petitions Bulletin.

The petitioner demanded that CCTV be installed in the operating room so that there are no more wrongful deaths.

More than 200,000 people accepted this request and the government at that time responded.

[강도태 / 보건복지부 2차관(지난 9월) : 애틋하고 간절한 마음에 공감합니다. 또한, 일각에서 제기되는 우려 등 다른 의견들도 고려하지 않을 수 없기에 숙고의 과정에 있습니다.]

Recently, a request regarding the loss of a child with difficulty due to unreasonable induction by medical personnel also met the response criteria.

Once again, the government is in a cautious position.

[강도태 / 보건복지부 2차관 : 의료사고 여부를 밝히는 근거로 활용될 가능성도 있는 반면, 분만 과정의 녹화를 기피 하는 산모가 있을 수 있다는 점 또한 고려하며 다양한 의견을 경청하겠습니다.]

Legislative legislation is ongoing in the National Assembly, which is more sensitive to public opinion.

So far, not only two reforms have been proposed to the Medical Law, which are the main contents of the mandatory installation of CCTV in operating rooms, but also a bill to force the installation of CCTV in nursing hospitals.

[김남국 / 더불어민주당 의원 : 수술실에 들어갔을 때 환자들이 불안하고 걱정하는 그런 부분들 때문에 수술실 CCTV를 의무화하는 법안이 반드시 필요하다고 생각했습니다.]

In terms of public opinion, the installation is absolutely dominant.

Seven out of 10 citizens are in favor of installing CCTV, and the medical reaction is also harsh.

The medical community is opposed to the installation of CCTV, saying that active medical treatment is impossible due to the contraction of medical treatment practices.

The increasing demand for CCTV installation in the operating room is also related to the reality that it is difficult to receive fair compensation for medical accidents.

It is clear that the possibility of installing CCTV is higher than ever due to the frequent medical accidents and sexual crimes by some doctors, although manpower in the revision of the law is expected due to the medical reaction.

YTN Baek Jong-kyu[[email protected]]it is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]