[정치]Why was the Conflict of Interest Prevention Law maintained for 7 years? …



As YTN reported yesterday (25), when it was confirmed that Rep. Park Deok-heum was not only related to the construction of the newly relocated tribulation agency, the voice that the conflict of interest must be fundamentally avoided is growing.

However, the Conflict of Interest Prevention Act has been adrift for seven years and there was good reason why the bill, which is too natural for common sense, was not handled.

Reporter Lee Dae-geon reports.


Representative Park Deok-heum moved from the National Assembly’s National Territory Committee to the Hwanno Committee earlier this month as controversy over the conflict of interest grew.

[박덕흠 / 국민의힘 의원 (지난달 25일, 국토교통위원회 전체회의) : 저는 의정 활동을 하는 동안 단 한 번도 개인의 사리사욕을 위해서 제 권한을 사용한 적이 없다는 말씀을 드리고…. 그렇지만 동료 의원들, 더 이상 우리 당이 부담을 질 수 없다는 그런 생각이 들어서….]

However, as a result of the YTN interview, it was revealed that the construction company established by Congressman Park also won the order for the audited organization of the Hwanno Committee.

That is why it is pointed out that moving only the permanent committee has clear limits.

That is why fundamental measures are needed such as the Law for the Prevention of Conflicts of Interest.

The Conflict of Interest Prevention Act was promoted in 2013 together with the so-called Kim Young-ran Act.

It was initiated by the National Assembly on the 19th and 20th, but it was discarded without even attending the plenary session.

The 21st National Assembly already started in June.

The key is to limit work-related business activities to prevent public officials with private interests from being in the position.

After the initiation in June, all was quiet, and suspicions arose from Representative Park Deok-heum, Representative Yoon Chang-hyun, related to Samsung, and Representative Kim Hong-geol related to the issue of inter-Korean economic cooperatives.

However, concerns remain about whether this will be handled by the National Assembly.

The reason they deviated for seven years is that, after all, the members of the National Assembly themselves cannot rule out the possibility of a conflict of interest at all.

[채이배 / 전 국회의원 (CBS 라디오) : 내가(국회의원이) 꼭 이해충돌 상황이어서가 아니라 나도 나중에 이런 거 혹시 걸릴 수 있지 않나? 라는 우려가 생기는 거예요.]

In the interest of legislators that today’s striker can become tomorrow’s defender, leaving the opposition parties, the law on the prevention of conflicts of interest has not been addressed.

I could not fill the shackles myself, but given the increasingly fair value of society, this is hopeful in the National Assembly.

This is YTN Lee Dae-gun.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]