[정치]What is the political advantage of the independent route of the future Korean party? …


Democratic Party, United · Korean Party worth finishing … “Keep the promise”
Future Korean party, “Do not participate in the party of others”


The ruling opposition parties are having a hard time talking to each other about the legitimacy of the future Korean party and the future unification party.

The Future Korean Party will surely be worth it, but on the one hand, it shows the actions taking into account the path of the reader.

Why is that?

Reporter Woo Chul-hee.

[기자] [이해찬 / 더불어민주당 대표 (어제) : (미래한국당이) 한 몸통 두 머리 쌍두뱀처럼 상임위원장 자리와 국고 보조금을 두고 다투고 있습니다.] [김태년 / 더불어민주당 원내대표 (그제, tbs라디오 ‘뉴스공장’) : 지금 교섭단체를 만들겠다는 거잖아요, 제2교섭단체. 그 교섭단체를 인정할 이유가 별로 없는 것 같다….]

From warnings that they would not be recognized as a bargaining organization if they were not worthy, to criticism with a strong analogy,

Furthermore, the Democratic Party keeps promises to the public that it will join when the general election ends, and is encouraging the future of the United Nations and the Future Korean Party.

The Future Korean Party was relentless, firing so as not to meddle in other party affairs.

[백승주 / 미래한국당 원내수석부대표 (어제) : (김태년 원내대표가) 정신 건강에 대해서 병원을 방문해서 감정을 해 볼 필요가 있다고 생각합니다.]

Despite the criticism, Yu Yu-cheol professed that he would be worthy of himself, but took another step and said that he should obtain the consensus of the elect.

Here, we are considering a plan to hold a convention in the near future to extend the mandate of CEO Won, who is on the 29th.

[원유철 / 미래한국당 대표 (어제) : 미래통합당과의 합당은 반드시 할 것이고요. 현역 의원들, 21대 국회에서 활동할 당선인들, 당원들 총의를 모으는 것도 중요합니다.]

The fact that the future Korean party could not abandon its own route, the negotiating group, was due to political interests.

It is possible to form a negotiating group by adding a single seat to the 19-member Korean Mirae Party, which can lead to favorable negotiations as two opposition negotiating groups and receive billions of won in government subsidies.

In addition, key positions will be awarded to both committee representatives and the chair of the policy committee, as well as to one of the top permanent chairpersons and secretaries of the standing committee.

As an opposition party to the large ruling party, it may be a shame to give up the opportunity to play a leading role in the functioning of the National Assembly.

However, if public opinion drifts away after chasing profits in front of it, it may end up as a political burden due to the unified party fire.

YTN Woo Chul-hee[[email protected]]is.
