[정치]The power of the people to insist on vaccinating the entire national flu …


The Power of the People in the “All National Flu Vaccines” Communication Cost Controversy
The government “secures more vaccines than usual … good enough for the trend”
“Even if there is money, it is impossible to get more … impractical claim”
The ruling party criticizes the proposal for the second book … “Policies folded during the 3rd supplementary administration”


The Popular Force insists on supporting the entire national vaccination against influenza as an alternative to the communication cost payment plan promoted by the ruling government party.

The reason is that it is necessary in the coronavirus crisis and the effect of the policy is also greater, and even medical experts consider it a policy that is not feasible.

Reporter Song Jae-in’s report.


As soon as the government ruling party’s plan to pay 20,000 won for communication with the public was embroiled in great controversy, the power of the people immediately presented a plausible alternative.

As there is great concern that Corona 19 and flu will become a pandemic at the same time in the second half, it is better to support flu vaccines to all citizens with money to pay for communication.

[주호영 /국민의힘 원내대표(지난 11일) : 독감 백신을 전 국민에게 예방 접종을 무료로 하자…. 국민 안전이나 건강에 가장 중요한, 더구나 코로나가 이렇게 잡히지 않고 있는 상황에 독감까지 겹치면 더 문제가 생기니까….]

From the first day the National Assembly began to examine the supplementary bill, the free vaccination of the entire national flu, which was demanded by the popular power, became a hot topic.

However, the government refuted the argument that it was not feasible.

Considering the ‘demic twin’ indicated by popular power, that is, considering the simultaneous epidemic of Corona 19 and the flu, we already have more free vaccines than usual, and even if there is money, it is not a situation in which we can get more .

[정세균 / 국무총리 (지난 14일) : 독감 백신은 하루하루 만드는 것이 아니고 수개월 전에 미리 주문을 받아서 만드는 것입니다. 그렇기 때문에 지금 추가로 더 만들 수는 없습니다.]

Additionally, the Democratic Party said it had already reviewed the policy two months ago when discussing the third supplemental administration, but it was also not practical at the time, so it had already closed it.

The popular power came up with a “north rear” policy without considering the possibility of implementing it.

[박홍근 / 민주당 소속 예결위 간사(MBC ‘김종배의 시선집중’) : (3차 추경) 당시에 전 국민 독감백신을 접종시키는 것이 코로나19와 오히려 예산 절감이나 국민건강을 예방하는 차원에서 대단히 중요하다고 엄청 강조했고요. 그런데도 불구하고 제가 이것을 접을 수밖에 없었던 것은 생산량의 문제였습니다.]

As claims for influenza vaccination became less and less persuasive, the force of the people refuted whether it would be possible to import vaccines from other countries, but noted that it would be difficult even in the medical community.

[엄중식 / 가천대 길병원 감염내과 교수 : 생산 대신 수입을 한다면 대안이 될 순 있지만, 사실 다른 나라에서도 인플루엔자 백신을 충분히 전 국민이 맞을 정도의 양을 생산하는 나라는 거의 없습니다. 수입도 그렇게 쉬운 상황은 아니라고 보고 있습니다.]

The common opinion of medical experts is that they have already gotten as many flu shots as they need and are not being asked for more.

In the end, the payment of communication expenses for all citizens, which is suspected of the effectiveness of the support, and influenza vaccination for the entire country, which are less feasible, have become a political competition.

YTN Song Jae-in[[email protected]]it is.
