Chu Mi-ae, “there is no such fact” in the suspected call for help
Public power, transcript of the communiqué of the party that called the assistant
Democratic Party Kim Nam-guk “It is true that assistant Choo Mi-ae called”
People’s Power “We need to reveal the truth through special prosecutors … Yoon Seok-yeol’s decision”
The people’s power, which is on a daily offensive on the suspicion of the son of the Minister of Justice, Chu Mi-ae, urged the introduction of a special prosecution.
In addition, the Democratic Party rules out that it is only a political offensive by the opposition party, but the controversy grows even more in the ruling party since the ruling party said there was a call from the assistant to Minister Chu.
Reporter Choi Min-ki reports.
[기자]Regarding the suspicion of an aide calling his son’s unit, Secretary Choo Mi-ae has always adamantly denied that there is no such event.
[유상범 / 국민의힘 의원 (지난 1일) : 보좌관이라는 사람이 장교에게 전화해서 병가로 처리해달라는 요청을 한 사실이 있느냐는 질문에 그런 사실이 없다고 답을 하셨죠? 라고 물어봤잖아요.] [추미애 / 법무부 장관 (지난 1일) : 보좌관에게 그런 사실을 시킨 바가 없습니다. 그리고 그럴 이유조차 없습니다.]However, the power of the people revealed the party’s statement that he had spoken with the assistant minister Chu,
[당시 미2사단 지역대 지원장교 (지난달 30일) : 왜 추미애 보좌관님이 굳이 이걸(병가 연장 문의) 해야 하지 하는 생각을 했습니다.]Even within the ruling party, it was said that it was true that the aide was calling.
[김남국 / 더불어민주당 의원 (어제 / MBC 김종배의 시선집중) : 국방부를 통해서도 제가 확인을 해봤는데, 전화를 건 것은 사실인 것 같습니다. 그 부분은 저도 부적절했다고 생각이 들고요.]Furthermore, the Democratic Party said there was no outside pressure, and that inflating this case was intended to shake up the prosecution reform, and mark the day for the opposition.
[김종민 / 더불어민주당 최고위원 (어제) : 그냥 검찰개혁 하기 싫다, 그렇게 얘기를 하셔야 해요. 왜 이거 법무부 장관 가지고 흔들고 자꾸 오래 끌고 갑니까. 이제 정치공세 좀 그만하십시오.]The force of the people also faced.
Representative Kim Woong, a former prosecutor, said the Democratic Party’s words would be that the prosecution had abandoned Minister Chu’s son two years ago to shake up the reform. I criticized him for guilt.
The force of the people further urged Attorney General Yoon Seok-yeol to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate the case and reveal the truth.
In the eighth month, the prosecution’s investigation into this case has not progressed because it is observing the attention of Minister Chu.
[김은혜 / 국민의힘 대변인 : 이 모든 불공정과 부정의는 추미애 장관 본인이 풀어야 합니다. 8개월째 침묵을 지키고 있는 검찰 또한 장관의 눈치만 살필 뿐 의지가 보이지 않습니다.]While the power of the people is dubbed ‘Mom Chance’ and focused the fire on the accusations of Minister Chu, it is noteworthy whether the Democratic Party leadership will take an official position.
YTN Choi Min-ki[[email protected]]it is.