[정치]The ‘partner resignation theory’ changed in a day …


Prime Minister Chung Proposes President To Resign With Seok-yeol Yoon And Mi-ae Chu
Choo Mi-ae, after the ‘partner’s resignation’
‘Peer resignation theory’ across the water Pay attention to disciplinary committee results


One day after the resignation theory suddenly emerged between Justice Minister Choo Mi-ae and Attorney General Yoon Seok-yeol, the atmosphere turned upside down.

Both Ministers Chu and President Yoon refused to resign and were practically supported.

Reporter Choi A-young reports.


“President Seok-yeol Yoon’s disciplinary problem is placing a great burden on the administration of the state administration.”

On the 30th of last month, the words that Prime Minister Jeong Sye-gyun delivered to President Moon Jae-in prompted the resignation of Justice Minister Chu Mi-ae and Attorney General Yoon Seok-yeol.

[문재인 대통령 (지난달 30일) : 위기를 대하는 공직자들의 마음가짐부터 더욱 가다듬어야 할 때입니다. 소속 부처나 집단의 이익이 아니라 공동체의 이익을 받드는 선공후사의 자세로….]

The next day, Minister Chu and Prime Minister Chung held the monopoly for 10 minutes and met with President Moon at the Blue House, further strengthening the resignation theory.

When it was revealed that the resignation was not discussed, but only to inform of the current situation, questions began to be drawn.

It was the court’s decision that allowed President Yoon to return to his resignation.

[윤석열 / 검찰총장 (어제) : 대한민국의 공직자로서 헌법 정신과 법치주의를 지키기 위해 최선을 다할 것을 약속드립니다.]

In an email sent to prosecutors across the country, President Yoon stressed that he would become strong support for the people.

In fact, when Minister Chu and President Yun resisted, the argument in favor of resignation ran thin.

Now, eyes are on the disciplinary committee of the Ministry of Justice and President Moon, who has the authority of personnel.

[이종훈 / 정치평론가 (YTN 출연) : 문재인 대통령이 그 제청을 받아서 해임을 시키는 순간 그동안 주장해 왔던 검찰개혁을 모조리 다 무로 돌리는, 원위치로 돌리는 그런 상황이 돼버리는 거예요.]

Everyone is of the opinion that the fight between Minister Chu and President Yoon is aggravating public opinion and putting a burden on state affairs.

However, not only between Minister Chu and President Yun, but also between opposition parties, the situation is expected to continue for the time being.

YTN Choi Ayoung[[email protected]]it is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]