[정치]The arrest motion of the Jeong Jeong-soon Democratic Party passed … for the first time in 5 years


Jung Jeong-soon’s arrest motion passed … 167 for and 12 opposite
Jeong Jeong-soon “I have never refused to attend without good reason”
Arrest motion passed, 5 years since Park Ki-chun in 2018


A motion was passed in the National Assembly to arrest Chung Jeong-soon of the Democratic Party, accused of violating the Public Officials Election Law.

This is the first time in five years that an arrest motion for an active legislator was passed and the force of the people did not participate in the vote.

Reporter Han Yeon-hee reports.


In addition, a motion to arrest Democratic Party legislator Jeong Jeong-soon was tabled in the plenary session of the National Assembly.

The total number of legislators who participated in the vote was 186.

With 167 votes in favor, 12 votes against and 3 and 4 votes of abstention and nullity, respectively, the arrest motion was approved.

[박병석 / 국회의장 : 국회의원 정정순 체포동의안은 가결되었음을 선포합니다.]

Chung, who requested a personal statement before the vote, protested that he had not refused to appear at the prosecution without good cause, but was not accepted by his fellow legislators.

[정정순 / 더불어민주당 의원 : 검찰이 사사건건 체포영장을 청구하고 우리 국회가 그러한 체포영장에 동의를 한다면, 검찰은 계속하여 우리 의원들을 상대로 아주 쉽고 간편하게 체포영장을 청구할 것입니다.]

The motion to arrest active legislators was passed in the plenary session of the National Assembly in 2018, five years after Park Ki-chun, then the New Political Democratic Association.

In May last year, a motion to arrest then-liberal Korean Party lawmakers Hong Mun-jong and Yeom Dong-yeol was put forward, but was rejected.

The force of the people did not participate in this vote.

Previously, he established a policy of voluntary participation saying he would not oppose the fight against the Democratic Party, but it led to a general absence.

[주호영 / 국민의힘 원내대표 : 의원들 각자에게 참여 여부를 맡겼습니다. 참석여부까지도. 민주당이 민주당 소속 의원의 체포동의안을 처리하는 과정이기 때문에 저희들은 민주당이 결정하는 것이 맞다고 보고 있습니다.]

The Democratic Party, which avoided criticism from the ‘Bulletproof National Assembly’ with this approval, countered the power of the people by saying it would not obscure legislators suspected of corruption.

[신영대 / 더불어민주당 대변인 : 더불어민주당은 읍참마속의 심정으로 표결에 임했습니다.” “자당 소속 의원의 법 위반 및 비리 의혹에 대해 모르쇠로 일관하는 국민의힘이 국회 전체의 신뢰를 무너뜨리고 있음에 유감을 표합니다.]

The Justice Party evaluated it as a deserved result, since it compromised with the National Assembly without privileges.

[정호진 / 정의당 수석대변인 : 국회의 특권에 대한 국민들의 따가운 시선이 하루아침에 바뀌지는 않겠습니다만, 특권 없는 국회를 향한 첫발을 내디뎠다는 점은 의미가 있습니다.]

Now the ball has passed to the court.

The arrest of Democratic Party lawmaker Jeong Jeong-soon, accused of violating the Public Officials Election Law, the Political Funds Law and the Personal Information Protection Law is determined by a court order examination.

This is YTN Han Yeon-hee.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]