[정치]Suspicion of donating convenient ways. The force of the people, Jeon Bong-min, retreats … “I urge a thorough investigation!”



Representative Jeon Bong-min, who suspected of receiving enormous wealth from his father through a convenient method, finally withdrew.

Criticism rose when it was revealed that his father tried to hand over tens of millions of won to a reporter covering the allegations, the Democratic Party and the Justice Party demanding that lawmakers abandon their positions and seek a thorough investigation.

Reporter Baek Jong-gyu reported.


Representative Jeon Bong-min, the power of the people, who reported 91.4 billion won, the highest wealth among the members of the 21st National Assembly.

When a station reporter found the father of a former legislator and questioned the suspicion that he gave him a timely gift,

Everyone knew that he tried to deliver 30 million won to the curb.

[국민의힘 전봉민 의원 아버지 : 한 세 개는 맞춰볼게. 3천만 원 가져온다니까. 을 때까지 같이 가는 거고 나하고 인연을 맺으면 끝까지 간다.]

After that, the ex-legislator, who remained silent, finally withdrew from the power of the people.

I also apologized to people and party members on behalf of my father, who caused controversy through inappropriate comments.

[전봉민 / 국민의힘 의원 : 국민 여러분과 우리 부산 수영구민 여러분, 그리고 당원 여러분들에게 아버지의 부적절한 발언에 대해 머리 숙여 사죄의 말씀을 드립니다.]

However, he completely denied any suspicions of giving a suitable gift.

[전봉민 / 국힘의힘 의원 : 일감 몰아주기와 증여세 납부와 관련한 의혹에 대해서는 정상적인 절차와 규정에 따라 납부했다는 사실을 분명히 말씀드립니다.]

The Democratic Party insisted that the father of the former legislator violated the so-called ‘Kim Young-ran Act’ based on what has already been denounced.

Under the current law prohibiting illegal solicitations, any expression of intent that promises to receive money or other property from public officials, including journalists, is prohibited.

The Democratic Party emphasized that former legislators must step down from office immediately and that a thorough investigation is needed for allegations of illegal donations and a lack of reporting.

At the same time, he defined the former legislators as “the second Park Deok-heum” and demanded an official apology for the power of the people.

[신영대 / 더불어민주당 대변인 : 전봉민 의원의 탈당은 박덕흠 의원에 이은 두 번째 ‘면피용 꼬리 자르기’입니다.]

The Justice Party also stressed that what is important at this time is not partisan actions, but finding the truth through a thorough investigation.

[장태수 / 정의당 대변인 : 주호영 원내대표님, 이제 사태 파악과 입장 발표는 필요 없습니다. 공식대로 일이 처리되었으니 그 수고를 하지 않아도 되겠습니다.]

As the former legislator withdrew, the people’s force is expected to remain silent on the related suspicions for the time being.

However, after Rep. Park Deok-heum, this incident is expected to escalate, and other political parties are expected to escalate.

YTN Baek Jong-kyu[[email protected]]is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]