[정치]’Standing Voting in 7 Minutes’ with Plenary Session on Amendment to the Airborne Ministry Law … “Kookjeong Nongdan Will Stop”



An amendment to the law that facilitates the requirement to recommend the head of the criminal investigation agency of the main public officials was approved by the Judicial Legislative Committee of the National Assembly in the middle of the opposition parties.

The force of the people against the amendment is a plan to block the vote of the House through unlimited debate and obstructionism, criticizing the Democratic Party for the government of the government and the legislative dictatorship.

Reporter Kim Dae-geun reports.

[기자] [윤호중 / 국회 법제사법위원장 : 고위공직자범죄수사처 설치 및 운영에 관한 법률 일부 개정 법률안을 상정하겠습니다.]

In the morning, when the reform to the Air Transport Law, approved by the Stability and Construction Commission of the Judicial Commission of the National Assembly, is presented to the Plenary, the members of the People’s Power strongly oppose it.

Ho-young Joo and other members of the standing committee came in and raised their voices saying that the bill was not finished.

[주호영 / 국민의힘 원내대표 : 이게 말이 되느냐고. 민주화 운동을 했다는 사람들이 이게 말이 되느냐고!] [김도읍 / 국회 법사위 국민의힘 간사 : 조정이 안 됐다니까요. 조정이 안 됐어요. (자기들이 법 만들어놓고 말이야.)] [윤호중 / 국회 법제사법위원장 : 국회법에 따라서 진행하고 있습니다. (조정이 안 됐다니까! 국회법?) 조용히 해주세요!]

However, even in the castle, the process progresses in unison.

[백혜련 / 국회 법사위 민주당 간사 : 안건조정위원장 백혜련 의원입니다. 안건조정위원회에서 심사한 안건에 대한 심사 결과를 보고드리겠습니다.]

The amendment goes through the plenary session with a permanent vote in 7 minutes after the opening.

[윤호중 / 국회 법제사법위원장 : 이 법안에 찬성하시는 의원님들은 기립해 주십시오.]

Ho-jung Yoon, chairman of the Judicial Committee of the Democratic Party, whose right hand is held by the main representative of the House, declares a decision by striking the gavel with his left hand.

[윤호중 / 국회 법사위원장 : 표결 결과 과반 찬성으로 법안이 의결됐습니다. 왜 그러세요.]

The main content of the amendment is to reduce the quorum of the Minister of Public Service and the Recommendation Committee from 6 from 7 to 2/3, or 5 or more.

Also, if the political party does not select a nominating committee within 10 days, the president of the National Assembly recommends academic staff, etc. instead, and the requirements for prosecutors in the Ministry of Public Affairs have also been reduced from 10 to 7 years.

Members of the People’s Power, who had opposed the amendment, saying it would neutralize the non-total rights of the opposition party, continued to protest with the plaque of the judiciary, saying it was an outburst.

[윤호중 / 국회 법제사법위원장 : (독재로 흥한 자, 독재로 망한다.) 지금 의사진행에 어려움이 있습니다. 잠시 정회하도록 하겠습니다. 정회를 선포합니다.]

President Kim Jong-in also held an emergency press conference and urged President Moon to take responsibility, saying he is enthusiastic about the undemocratic behavior.

[김종인 / 국민의힘 비대위원장 : 전 헌법기관에 걸쳐서 일상적으로 국정농단이 자행되고 있다는 비판의 목소리를 듣지 않을 수 없습니다. 지금 엉킨 정국의 실타래를 풀 수 있는 유일한 분은 문재인 대통령입니다.]

Now that the plenary session of the amendment to the Air Transport Law is about to be processed, the force of the people is urging to stop the vote through obstructionism and unlimited discussions.

YTN Kim Dae-geun[[email protected]]it is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]