[정치]Regular 100-day parliamentary campaign begins … central agenda is ‘crown’



Starting with the opening ceremony, the 21st National Assembly will begin its first regular assembly program for the next 100 days.

The most pressing issue is the preparation of the fourth supplementary budget to support vulnerable groups that have become difficult due to the reproliferation of the crown.

Reporter Choi Min-ki reports.


The calendar of the first ordinary assembly of the XXI National Assembly has begun.

In the midst of the reproliferation of the crown, transparent partitions were installed in all seats in the main assembly hall of the National Assembly, and the opening ceremony was held with all members of the National Assembly and members of the Council of State with masks.

[박병석 / 국회의장 : 국가적 비상 상황에서 오늘 21대 국회 첫 번째 정기국회를 시작하게 됐습니다.]

As the first schedule, from 7 to 8, an intervention by the negotiating entity is scheduled.

Starting on the 14th, there will be a four-day interrogation schedule for the government. On the 14th, politics will be addressed, on the 15th, diplomacy, reunification and security, on the 16th, the economy, and on the 17th, issues of education, society and culture will be addressed.

This year’s national audit will take place for three weeks starting on the 7th of the following month.

The central agenda of this regular National Assembly is also the legislation and the budget to respond to the Crown 19.

Among them, the most urgent is the 4th supplemental plan to provide the 2nd disaster support fund.

In addition, when the Democratic Party and the government discuss the size and scope of the supplemental budget and present the budget to the National Assembly, it will be reviewed by the Standing Committee and the Preliminary Committee before being sent to plenary session.

The supplementary administration, which was organized to pay for the first disaster support fund in April, was quickly reviewed by opposition parties and processed within three days.

There are also many laws related to the crown.

Additionally, the Democratic Party previously announced that it would consult with the opposition party to pass a bill to support public welfare, such as the extension of family care leave.

[김태년 / 더불어민주당 원내대표(지난달 31일) : 관련 상임위에서 가족 돌봄 휴가연장법을 신속히 처리할 수 있도록 미래통합당과 협의하도록 하겠습니다.]

The Future Integration Party also plans to grapple with Corona’s Comprehensive Countermeasures Law, which was established as Party No. 1.

Like the ruling party, measures to support small business owners and SMEs closed due to quarantine, laws related to penalties for weddings, including extension of care leave, are also up for discussion.

[김은혜 / 미래통합당 대변인(지난달 24일) : 코로나와 관련해서는 여야가, 특히 민주당이 빨리 협력해서 조속한 통과를 도와주셨으면 좋겠습니다.]

In real estate legislation, after the provisional National Assembly, a strong confrontation between the ruling party and the opposition parties is expected.

The Democratic Party began preparing a follow-up bill after the passage of the Leasing Law and the Real Estate Law 3.

The unified party claims that the secondary effects of the bill being handled by the ruling party are already appearing on the market, so head-on conflict between the opposition parties is inevitable.

YTN Choi Min-ki[[email protected]]it is.
