[정치]Recommend and ‘does not apply’ … to receive additional candidates



The meeting of the Candidate Appointment Committee for the Minister of Public Transport has decided to hold the meeting again on the 28th, without conclusion at the fifth meeting.

This is because the president of the National Assembly requested the recommendation of a successor member due to the resignation of the member of the nominating committee of the opposition party.

The nominating committee decided to receive additional nominations for candidates who have already resigned.

This is reporter Lee Kyung-guk.


The fifth meeting of the Appointment Committee of candidates for Director of Research of Senior Public Officials was held.

This is the first meeting to take place after the enactment and implementation of the amendment to the Air Transportation Act.

Under the amended law, there was a high possibility that two finalists would be selected with the consent of the ruling party and ex officio members.

However, the recommendation committee decided to meet again on the afternoon of the 28th.

This is because the opposition party’s recommender Lim Jung-hyuk resigned the day before, complaining about the committee’s behavior.

[이찬희 대한변협 회장 / 공수처장 후보 추천위원 : 국회의장께서 추천을 요청하셨고, 또, 위원 모두가 원만하게 후보를 추천하는 게 좋다는 데 동의했기 때문에.]

Furthermore, as the candidates, including lawyers Seok Dong-hyeon and Han Myung-gwan, resigned one after another, the recommendation committee decided to receive additional candidates by the 23rd in addition to the existing candidates.

[이헌 변호사 / 국민의힘 공수처장 후보 추천위원 : 새로 추천된 인원을 23일까지 받고, 현재 예정은 추천받은 인원에 대해 명단을 공개하는 거고요.]

However, we plan to limit the nomination of candidates to the newly appointed nominating committee members and continue the meeting as is if no members are added until the next meeting.

As a result, the meeting will be missed again and the launch of the airlift is expected to be delayed.

This is because manpower is expected in the verification process for new candidates, and even if the final candidate is decided and the president’s nomination is made, the procedure for a staff hearing remains.

As the conflict between the opposition parties has reached an extreme, it will not be easy even with the adjustment of schedules.

[유상범 / 국민의힘 의원 : 공수처 개악안 날치기 처리로 공수처장 후보 추천과정에서 야당 거부권이 폐기된 것도 간과해선 안 됩니다.]

The procedure for appointing the chief of aircraft appears to have slowed down again, which seemed to speed up the revision of the Air Transport Law.

At present, the January release is still possible, even if it is not the beginning of the new year as President Moon Jae-in’s wish.

YTN Lee Kyung-guk[[email protected]]is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]