President Moon, video speech on the 75th anniversary of the UN
“The Crown 19 crisis threatens ‘multilateralism’, which is the spirit of the United Nations”
‘Freedom for all’, the secret of the success of the quarantine K
President Moon Jae-in spoke at a high-level conference marking the 75th anniversary of the United Nations as chair of the five middle power councils, MIKTA.
President Moon presented the case of the quarantine of Korea, saying that humanity must be united and cooperative to confront Corona 19, which threatens the ‘multilateralism’ of the United Nations.
Reporter Na Yeon-soo reports.
[기자]President Moon Jae-in delivered a representative speech at a high-level meeting held the day before the UN General Assembly.
President Moon’s speech was also held online to coincide with the general meeting held as a ‘video conference’ for the first time due to Corona 19.
He expressed support for the solidarity of the international community contained in the United Nations 75th Anniversary Declaration, saying that the Corona 19 crisis threatens the spirit of the UN, ‘multilateralism’.
[문재인 / 대통령 : UN을 중심으로 코로나 위기극복을 비롯해, 기후변화 대응, 국제평화와 안전 유지, 불평등 해소와 같은 인류 앞에 놓인 도전에 쉼 없이 맞서 나갈 것입니다.]Meanwhile, in a keynote address at the WHO General Assembly of the World Health Organization in May, the secret to Korea’s successful quarantine was “Freedom for All”, which was mentioned once again.
[문재인 / 대통령 : 정부는 모든 상황을 투명하게 공개했고, 국민은 ‘이웃’의 안전이 곧 ‘나’의 안전이라는 생각으로 자발적으로 마스크를 착용하며, ‘사회적 거리두기’에 적극 동참했습니다.]The Korean people expressed their pride in practicing the universal values of freedom and democracy, multilateralism and humanitarianism in the face of the crisis.
He selected ‘solidarity and cooperation’ as humanity’s most powerful weapon to confront Corona 19, and presented three plans of action.
It is a proposal to ensure equitable access to vaccines and treatments, to recover the multilateral international order and turn it into an engine of quarantine and economic recovery, and to achieve a ‘green recovery’ for the coexistence of nature and humans.
[문재인 / 대통령 : 기후위기 해결과 동시에 일자리를 창출하고 포용성을 높이는 ‘글로벌 그린뉴딜 연대’에 많은 국가들이 함께하길 바랍니다. 내년 한국에서 열리는 ‘P4G 정상회의’에서 큰 진전이 있길 기대합니다.]This speech was delivered in 2013 under the presidency of Mikta (MIKTA), which was launched by Korea, Mexico, Indonesia, Turkey and Australia.
President Moon will give a keynote address at the UN General Assembly for the fourth time after taking office tomorrow morning in our time.
Once again we will highlight the solidarity and cooperation of the international community to overcome the Corona 19 crisis and respond to climate change.
Furthermore, we plan to explain our government’s efforts for peace on the Korean peninsula and ask for the support of the international community. Interest is also centered on whether a new proposal is presented to resolve frozen inter-Korean relations.
YTN Na Yeonsu[[email protected]]it is.