For some time now, the National Assembly has been investigating education, society and culture as the latest timetable for questioning the government.
With the presence of Minister Choo Mi-ae, the opposition party has been fiercely accusing the suspicion of preferential treatment for her son from the beginning.
Let’s go to the National Assembly. Reporter Choi Ah-young!
Minister Chu Mi-ae was present today in person.
After all, is the battle fierce over suspicion of your son’s military preference?
[기자]Congressman Kim Sang-hoon, who was the first to ask today, urged Minister Chu Mi-ae early on.
Consequently, Minister Chu also did not withdraw.
Looking at internal documents from the Defense Ministry, Representative Kim said that there were records of interviews in which Minister Chu’s son said that his parents had filed a complaint and asked if he had ever filed a complaint.
In response, Minister Chu replied that she has confirmed that she has not filed a complaint and that she has never filed a complaint with her husband.
He stressed that he and the husband were very busy with work and that the son and daughter had lived by solving all the problems on their own.
So when Congressman Kim asked whether too much protection would make Minister Chu’s son’s position uncomfortable, Minister Chu said that his son should also be guaranteed the vacation or treatment rights that other soldiers deserve. Said.
Earlier, Minister Chu denied most of the suspicions about his son’s military favor when questioning the government on the 14th.
He has repeatedly emphasized that he has never filed a complaint with military officials by calling the complaints office of the Defense Ministry or through an assistant.
Consequently, the power of the people is expected to continue the offensive, arguing that the person who called the Office of Civil Affairs of the Ministry of Defense was a woman, and that the name of Minister Chu’s husband was recorded in the file.
In particular, Ho-young Joo said at the meeting this morning that she should hurry to organize her personal information.
Let’s listen.
[주호영 / 국민의힘 원내대표 : 추미애 장관은 신속히 본인의 거취를 결정하고 그게 안 되면 문재인 대통령께서 해임할 것을 촉구합니다.]In today’s government questionnaire, not only Minister Chu, but also Prime Minister Jeong Sye-gyun, Minister of Education Yoo Eun-hye, and Minister of Public Administration and Security Jin-young are also seated.
The government’s response to Corona 19’s re-proliferation, classes for elementary, middle and high school students, and the Cho Doo-soon issue are also expected to be addressed.
[앵커]The suspicion of Choo’s son is controversial throughout the government question, and there is criticism that the nature of the questionnaire about the government has been blurred, right?
[기자]It is not an exaggeration to say that this question from the government is actually an audience of Minister Chu Mi-ae.
The purpose of the question is to control the government by raising issues with the National Assembly and suggesting alternatives.
However, from the first day of the first day, however, the question of the government centered on the suspicion of a military preferential treatment to the son of Minister Chu.
[윤재옥 / 국민의힘 의원 (지난 14일/ 정치 분야 대정부질문) : 병가 조치 면담 기록을 보면 부모님이 국방부에 민원을 넣은 것으로 확인이 되고 있습니다. 관여하지 않았다는 말은 사실과 다르지 않습니까?] [추미애 / 법무부 장관 (지난 14일/ 정치 분야 대정부질문) : 제가 국방부 민원실에 전화한 사실은 없습니다.[이튿날 이어진 외교·통일·안보 분야 대정부 질문도 마찬가지였는데요.
국회에 출석한 정경두 국방부 장관을 향해 군 특혜 의혹에 관한 질문이 쏟아졌을 뿐,
정작 남북관계나 뉴질랜드 외교관 성희롱 사건 등 현안에 대한 질의는 뒷전에 밀린 모습이었습니다.
또 어제 서욱 국방부 장관 후보자 인사청문회에서도 자질 검증보다는 추 장관에 대한 질의가 이어졌는데요.
결국, 이번 대정부질문은 추 장관으로 시작해 추 장관으로 끝나는 셈이 됐습니다.
특히 코로나19 상황에서 정부 방역과 경제 대책 논의는 사실상 눈에 띄지 않으면서, 추 장관의 공정 가치가 중요한 문제이긴 하지만 정작 시급한 민생 현안을 챙기지 못하고 있다는 비판이 나오는데요.
류호정 정의당 의원은 국정을 설명해야 할 국무위원 대부분은 관객이었고, 주연은 ‘법무부 장관’, 조연은 ‘국방부 장관’이었다”며 국민 앞에 고개를 들 수 없을 지경이라고 꼬집었습니다.
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