[정치]Now, the investigation of the nuclear power plant by war power “political investigation” vs. “no sanctuary”



As soon as Attorney General Yoon Seok-yeol returned, the Democratic Party criticized the investigation as a political investigation and once again emphasized the need for a reform of the prosecution service.

On the other hand, the power of the people argued that there was no sanctuary in the investigations of the power, and that it was a problem that the regime tried to overcome the investigation.

Reporter Baek Jong-gyu reported.


When Attorney General Yoon Seok-yeol returned, who had been removed from office, the Democratic Party of Korea was reluctant.

Regarding the investigation of the Wolseong nuclear power plant, which began to accelerate, the internal representative of the hospital made a voice call.

[박상혁 / 더불어민주당 원내부대표 : 정부의 에너지정책에 대한 명백한 정치수사를 재개했습니다. 어떠한 난관이 있더라도 올해 안에 공수처를 출범시키고 시대적 과제인 검찰 개혁을 완수해 나가겠습니다.]

It means reforming the prosecutors who conduct political investigations.

Democrats on the Standing Committee in charge of the Ministry of Industry also helped.

By doing the nuclear investigation as a political maneuver, he urged no further abuse of the prosecution’s power.

[이소영 / 더불어민주당 의원 : 무소불위의 권력을 도구 삼아 정치세력으로 변질된 검찰의 표적 수사, 정치 수사가 문재인 정부 국정과제의 동력을 저하 시키고 있습니다.]

On the other hand, the force of the people urged President Yoon to reveal the reality of post-nuclear energy policy.

He also said that political questions should not be raised, but rather that the investigation of living power be encouraged.

[주호영 / 국민의힘 원내대표 : 대통령은 처음에 말씀하신 대로 우리 윤 총장이 처음 당부한 대로 잘하고 있습니다. 살아있는 권력을 향해서는 수사를 하고 있습니다. 더 독려를 하십시오.]

Kim Jong-in, chairman of the Emergency Response Committee, interpreted the exclusion of President Yoon’s duties as also irrational in the process of governing nuclear energy research by the ruling forces.

He said public suspicion is on the rise, and he urged an investigation without sanctuary, even to avoid deterioration.

[김종인 / 국민의힘 비상대책위원장 : 권력 수사에 절대로 성역이 있어서는 안 될 겁니다. 지금 현재 권력 수사를 미묘한 방법으로 덮고 넘어간다고 해서 이것이 영원히 가려지지는 않을 것입니다.]

With the return of President Yoon Seok-yeol, the proxy wars of the opposition parties have now moved to the investigation of the Wolseong nuclear power plant.

As this is an issue related to the nuclear power plant policy of the current regime, the battle is unlikely to sink easily.

YTN Baek Jong-kyu[[email protected]]it is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]