[정치]Korea, USA, Japan, the first nuclear meeting of the Biden government in North Korea …



For the first time since the inauguration of the Biden administration, diplomatic officials from the United States and Japan held a video conference to discuss the North Korean nuclear issue.

The actions of the US government are predicting that it will actively seek to resolve the conflict between Korea and Japan, as well as strengthen the triangular cooperation between the two Koreas for cooperation with North Korea.

Reporter Lee Gyo-jun.


Noh Gyu-deok, Head of the Korean Peninsula Peace Negotiations Headquarters of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Sung Kim, Under Secretary of State for East Asia and the Pacific Affairs of the US Department of State, and Takehiro Funakoshi, Asia director, and Japan’s Oceanic Ministry of Foreign Affairs held a tripartite videoconference to discuss North Korea’s nuclear program.

This is the first time since Biden’s inauguration of the US administration that diplomatic officials between the United States and Japan have publicly announced that they have discussed the issue.

The Foreign Ministry said that “Korea, the United States and Japan have agreed to cooperate and cooperate closely among the three countries to achieve complete denuclearization and a permanent peace agreement on the Korean peninsula.”

The US State Department also relayed the facts of the trialogue talks, highlighting that it is committed to strengthening relations with Japan and South Korea, key allies in Northeast Asia.

This is how the Biden administration tries to restore the triangular alliance between the United States and Korea through the North Korean issue.

Also, unlike the Trump administration, it seems to be a sign that it will play a role in resolving the conflict between Korea and Japan, which is an ally.

Foreign Minister Eui-yong Eui also expressed his expectations on the arbitration of the Biden administration on the issue of Korea and Japan.

[정의용 / 외교부 장관 / 18일 국회 외통위 : 최근 블링컨 (미국 국무부) 장관과도 통화했습니다만 한미일 삼각공조도 해나가면서 한일 간 문제는 우리 양국 간에 또 필요하다면 미국의 도움을 받을 수도 있다고 봅니다.]

The Biden administration is expected to accelerate the restoration of the ROK-US alliance. US-Japan to control China through solidarity with the alliance while seeking cooperation between Korea and Japan for a solution to North Korea.

[서정건 / 경희대 정치외교학과 교수 : 바이든 행정부가 내세우는 동맹 복원이 결국 한미일 삼각 동맹 기조 복원을 뜻한다는 차원에서 일본 포함 여부가 우리의 선택 영역은 이미 아닌 것으로 보이고요. 이런 국제 정치 현실에서 우리의 실익을 얼마나 관철해나갈 것이냐 그게 관건으로 보입니다.]

Since the Biden administration has held a meeting of the foreign ministers of the security council of the four nations for the first time since its inauguration, the ‘Quadruple’ meeting of the foreign ministers, and then the Korea trilateral meeting- United States-Japan, diplomatic actions, such as North Korean policy coordination, are expected to be faster than expected.

YTN Kyojun Lee[[email protected]]is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]