[정치]Kickboard regulation released without thinking … “slow speed and requires license”



An amendment to the Road Traffic Law that allows anyone over the age of 13 to use an electric float board will go into effect on the 10th of next month.

Of course, you don’t need a license and there are no regulations to sanction even if you don’t wear a helmet.

A bill has been proposed to further toughen regulations while leaving less than a month of implementation without ending the controversy over security.

Reporter Han Yeon-hee reports.


An electric skateboard with two high school students running at high speed.

The board that crossed the road hit the taxi and driver A died three days after the accident.

Accidents related to electric skateboards continue, such as a man in his 50s who was waiting for a signal while riding an electric skateboard was hit by a 25-ton truck and died, or a college student riding a skateboard on a college campus was injured head and could not regain consciousness.

Electric skateboard accidents, which had been around 360 in 2017, more than doubled last year, and this year, in the first half alone, the number of electric skateboard accidents increased dramatically to 460.

Deaths are also increasing.

There were two deaths in 2018, two cases last year and three cases until last June of this year.

This is the situation, but the regulation is quite lax.

In May, in the last plenary session of the XX National Assembly, a deregulation bill was approved that lowers the conditions for the use of electric scooters from motorcycles to electric bicycles.

If you are 13 years of age or older, you can drive without a license and will not be subject to fines even if you do not wear protective gear.

However, since the passage of the law, the number of users who visited electric scooters instead of public transport due to corona infection concerns has increased significantly and related accidents have not stopped.

This is why concerns are mounting ahead of law enforcement on the 10th of next month.

[이윤호 / 안전생활실천시민연합 안전정책본부장 : 중학생들이 도로에서 어떻게 주행을 해야 하고 표지판이 어떤 것이고, 이런 내용을 하나도 모르는 상태에서 주행하게 되면 결국은 교통에 일대 혼란이 나타날 수 있고요.” “제대로 성숙하지 않은 아이들이 안전모까지 착용하지 않는다면, 불에 기름을 붓는 것과 똑같다고 생각해요.]

As the controversy grew, in less than half a year in the National Assembly, a bill was proposed to strengthen the requirements for the use of electric scooters.

The key is to allow only those who are 16 years of age or older and have a license to use the electric swim board.

The maximum speed was also reduced from 25 km / h to 20 km / h, and also included a fine for not wearing safety equipment.

[천준호 / 더불어민주당 의원(지난 17일) : 우리 아이들과 나아가 우리 국민들의 안전을 위해 전동킥보드의 무분별한 규제 완화를 중단해야 합니다.” “더 늦기 전에 12월 시행 예정인 도로교통법을 다시 손질해야만 합니다.]

When the bill passed in May, the focus was only on activating the use of electric scooters, leaving safety concerns behind.

In the end, there is a sad scene in the National Assembly where opposition bills are presented before the law goes into effect.

This is YTN Han Yeon-hee.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]