[정치]It seems possible to postpone military service in BTS … Administration of military personnel “Promotion of the revision of the military service law”


BTS Billboard Wins … Claiming Military Service Benefits Every Day
Military Personnel Administration “Law Amendment to Allow Public Performers to Postpone Enlistment”
Government and ruling party allow BTS to ‘defer military service’


It is expected that the global K-pop group ‘BTS’ and BTS can postpone military service.

The government and ruling party are clarifying their willingness to allow pop culture artists to postpone military service.

Reporter Lim Seong-ho reports.


BTS is the first Korean musician to continue marching to No. 1 on the US Billboard Top Singles Chart.

Civil society and political circles have argued that special cases for military service need to be given to those who write rare records.

[허인혁 / 고양시 덕양구 향동동 : 아예 병역을 면제해주는 건 반대지만, 조금 미뤄주는 것은 괜찮다고 생각합니다.] [노웅래 / 더불어민주당 최고위원 : BTS의 병역 특례를 진지하게 논의해야 한다고 봅니다. 신성한 국방의 의무는 대한민국 국민에게 주어진 사명이지만, 모두가 반드시 총을 들어야 하는 건 아닙니다.]

Here, the Military Manpower Administration diversified.

He announced the intention to revise the upper limit of the enrollment age for excellent pop culture artists so that they can be postponed until age 30.

[모종화 / 병무청장 : 가장 높은 수준의 추천 기준을 만들고, 입영을 연기할 수 있는 상한선까지는 연기 방법을 검토 중입니다.]

Earlier, Democratic Party representative Jeon Ki also proposed an amendment to the Military Service Law to postpone military service for pop culture artists.

The main point is the deferral of military service for pop culture artists who are recognized for raising national status and dignity.

As the government and ruling party allowed pop culture artists to postpone military service, the controversy over the benefits of military service for BTS is expected to fade.

From the XVII National Assembly to the last XX National Assembly, 12 bills were proposed to provide special military service, of which 11 were repealed due to the expiration of the term.

In particular, among the OECD member countries, Korea is the only country that provides military services in special cases in the field of sports and the arts.

In the future, it is pointed out that there is a need for systematic measures to solve the problem of military service as there are many more popular culture artists like BTS.

This is YTN Seongho Lim.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]