[정치]How to eradicate the ‘fake North Korea news’ causing security anxiety?



‘Kim Jong-un’s health ideals’, which stimulated our society for a time despite the political situation in the crown

Finally, President Kim officially appeared on the 20th and ended with ‘Halfening’.

A report reaffirmed that the “fake news from North Korea” should be eradicated as it has to pay the psychological cost of security anxiety due to political and economic losses caused by wasting the controversy.

Reporter Hyekyung Hwang reports.


The trend of North Korea’s top leaders and close collaborators is regular newspaper material.

For this reason, if public appearance is the best, there have been abnormalities and purges in health.

However, last year’s Sukcheong Seol, Kim Young-cheol, Kim Kyung-hee, who was once overwhelmed by the poisoning, and Hyun Song-wol, who were allegedly shot, all confused those who appeared.

[조선중앙tv (1월 26일) : 김경희 동지, 리일환 동지, 조용원 동지, 김여정 동지, 현송월 동지가 공연을 관람했습니다.]

In particular, Kim Jong-un President Lee Sang-seol attracted attention because he was not calm despite the government’s aggressive wife.

While the fake news from North Korea generally unfolds in four stages of ‘suspicion’, ‘spread’, ‘reproduction and amplification’ and ‘verification’, this time, in addition to the existing means, the development of the technology of the Information and communication has great influence and fake news has been shown to have contributed to the spread.

[이관세 / 경남대학교 극동문제연구소장 : 대북 허위정보 전파 유통 경로가 인터넷 사이트 SNS, 개인방송 플랫폼 등 다양한 경로로 확산되고 있습니다. ‘인포데믹'(정보(information)와 전염병(pandemic)의 합성어) 상황까지 전개가 되고 있습니다.]

In addition, it is also evaluated that the evils that have blindly depended on the authority of the main foreign media have been revealed.

In fact, despite the fact that President Kim del Sol’s absence was not addressed, the report of health abnormalities that had been on the rise explosively increased since the CNN report, leading to ‘death’.

[임을출 / 경남대학교 극동문제연구소 교수 : 그동안 북한 관련 보도는 사실 확인이 어렵다는 이유로 검증하지 않은 채 보도되는 경우가 많았는데 앞으로 자정과 검증 기능을 강화하고 윤리의식을 높임으로써 집요하게 사실확인을 추구하는 자세가 필요합니다.]

Some argue that there is a force to intentionally produce and distribute fake news, and that a device needs to be prepared to remove the link that can benefit from it.

This is YTN Hye-Hwang Hwang.
