[정치]Fukushima polluted the water, Japanese citizens also oppose the discharge … The government focuses on international cooperation


Japan’s polluted water discharge postponed once opposing public opinion gathers
The government responds to the pan-government by organizing FT in preparation for the release decision
Responding response to international community … China urges recent consultations


The final decision has been postponed as opposition voices have risen even within Japan over the discharge of contaminated water from Fukushima into the ocean.

However, the launch can be promoted again at any time, so the Korean government is keeping an eye on the situation and making efforts for international cooperation.

This is reporter Kim Do-won.


There are voices from Japanese civil society against the ocean discharge of polluted water in Fukushima.

Fishing and environmental groups, as well as local residents and local governments, are critical of ocean discharges.

The Japanese government is in a position where it cannot always postpone the decision, but it is shameful.

[가지야마 히로시 / 일본 경제산업성 장관(지난 23일) : 국내외에 과학적 근거에 기초한 정확한 정보를 적극적으로 제공하는 등의 대응이 필요합니다.]

The Japanese government explains that polluted water purification treatment can remove tritium, a radioactive material other than tritium.

Tritium has a half-life of 12 years and the radiation is weak and not concentrated in the body, thus it is claimed that it has no significant effect on the human body.

However, exposure to high levels of tritium can pose a health risk.

In preparation for the decision to discharge contaminated water, the government has established a TF in the Office of State Affairs Control to respond.

[이재웅 / 외교부 부대변인(지난 22일) : 우리 정부는 우리 국민의 건강과 복지를 최우선적으로 생각하고 국제사회와 긴밀히 협조하여 대응방안을 검토하고 있습니다.]

Contrary to our concerns, the IAEA has viewed Japan’s plan as a safety-conscious scientific measure, and so far many countries have not made contaminated water discharges a major problem.

However, there are signs of a change in the atmosphere, as China recently urged Japan to disclose information and consult with neighboring countries.

While the Korean government is also likely to focus on requiring transparent data sharing, the trend of national public opinion is expected to be the most important variable in deciding how to treat contaminated water.

I am YTN Kim Do-won.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]