[정치]Faster opening clock … will accept fall company this week.


President Moon apologizes the day after the court decision
President Moon is likely to accept fall this week
Possibility of accepting the resignation after tomorrow the committee for the recommendation of candidates for the Ministry of Public Transport


President Moon Jae-in, who publicly apologized when Attorney General Yoon Seok-yeol made the decision to return to office, is expected to accept the thanks from Justice Minister Choo Mi-ae earlier this week.

It is a plan to fix the government by directly ending the phase of the so-called ‘Chu-Yun conflict’, and a candidate for Minister of Public Affairs will also be nominated this week to speed up the reform of the prosecution service.

This is reporter Cha Jung-yoon.


The day after Attorney General Yoon Seok-yeol’s return was decided, President Moon Jae-in immediately apologized and resolved the dispute.

[강민석 / 청와대 대변인(지난 25일) : 문 대통령은 ‘결과적으로 국민께 불편과 혼란을 초래하게 된 것에 대해, 인사권자로서 사과 말씀을 드린다’고 밝혔습니다.]

When President Moon publicly apologized, the acceptance of Justice Minister Choo Mi-ae’s comments increased this week.

The time is expected after Minister Chu attends the Candidate Recommendation Committee for Minister of Public Transport of the National Assembly.

There is also the possibility that the resignation will be accepted and the second reorganization will take place at the same time, including the announcement of a successor to the Minister of Justice.

Other reorganization targets include the Minister of Small and Medium Enterprises, Park Young-sun, a prominent candidate for mayor of Seoul, and Eun-hye Yoo, Deputy Prime Minister of Social Affairs and Education, Lee Jae-gap, Minister of Employment and Labor , and Minister of Commerce, Industry and Energy Sung Yun-mo, among the Ministers of Longevity.

However, as it requires physical time, such as staff verification, the possibility of further reorganizations after replacing it with “one point” from the Minister of Justice cannot be excluded.

Along with this, it is said that President Moon will nominate a finalist within this week if the National Assembly nominates two candidates for the airlift.

It is said that the early nomination of the candidate for Minister of Public Affairs may be a message to reform the prosecution at the same time, while also addressing a number of controversies, including the disciplinary issue of President Yoon this year.

A passport official explained that if the replacement of Minister Chu and the nomination of the Minister of Public Affairs within this week will lead to an institutional program for the completion of the prosecution reform.

President Moon’s Christmas apology can be seen as an expression of his determination to quickly resolve the conflict between the Minister of Justice and the Attorney General, which has been going on for more than a year.

The direct impeachment of President Moon is interpreted as inevitable to restore the government’s momentum for next year’s five-year term.

YTN Cha Jung-yoon[[email protected]]is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]