[정치]Discussing disaster grants for all people on fire … prevention is key



The third subsidy for disasters is granted as of the day after tomorrow (11), and in the political world, the discussions about the national subsidy for disasters have already fired.

As the voice of the Democratic Party grows, the power of the people is also more strongly opposed.

Reporter Han Yeon-hee reports.


It was on the 6th when the ruling Democratic Party, which is the ruling party in power, officially debated the national disaster support fund.

Spokesperson Heo Young said in an official comment that if the Corona 19 incident really enters a phase, it may be necessary to pay the national disaster support fund.

A few days before the comment, the runners of the presidential elections began to pay for the military,

[이낙연 / 더불어민주당 대표 (지난 4일, KBS 뉴스) : 코로나가 진정되고 그것이 경기를 진작해야 된다 할 때는 전 국민 지원 방안도 검토할 수 있다….] [정세균 / 국무총리 (지난 4일, MBC 100분 토론) : 월급 생활자들이나 피해를 본 국민들이 굉장히 많거든요. 그런 부분에 대해서는 앞으로 잘 봐가면서….]

Recently, the senior committee members stepped up one after another, creating an atmosphere.

[김종민 / 더불어민주당 최고위원(지난 7일, MBC 김종배의 시선 집중) : 어느 정도 공감대는 형성되고 있는 거죠.” “피해계층에 대한 맞춤형 지원이라기보다 전체적인 경기 진작을 위한 전 국민 지원이 될 가능성이 높거든요.]

Here, Prime Minister Jeong Sye-gyun and Gyeonggi Governor Lee Jae-myeong exchanged battles over the former national disaster support fund, bringing up passport-related issues.

However, the quarantine situation is more important than anything else.

This is because, if the subsidy is released while the tax on the spread of the crown has not clearly decreased, it could be a reason for the re-spread of the infection.

Although concerns about the government’s fiscal deterioration are on the surface, the power of the people is more concerned about the impact of the April by-elections.

[주호영 / 국민의힘 원내대표(지난 5일) : 전 국민 재난지원금을 주장하는 것은 우선 4월 선거를 노린 그런 것인지, 제대로 된 재원 대책은 있는 것인지 너무 황당합니다.]

Although it is a heavy burden for roughly 7 out of 10 citizens to approve national disaster grants, they are still strongly opposed.

[추경호 / 국민의힘 예결위 간사(지난 8일, KBS 김경래의 최강시사) : 아직 실태 파악도 제대로 해보지 않고 이렇게 좌충우돌하니….” “곳곳에서 지금 지원의 형평성 시비가 나오고 규모도 턱없이 부족하다고 못 미친다고, 불만이 나오고 있습니다.]

Despite these disagreements, the national disaster support fund remains a political problem.

If the proliferation trend slows and the voices of economic stimulus grow louder, the related discussions will also expand.

This is YTN Han Yeon-hee.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]