[정치]Democrats hesitate to argue with the Severe Disaster Law Party …



While President Moon Jae-in repeatedly emphasized managing safety at industrial sites, the ruling Democratic Party was hesitant to adopt the party’s argument for the Severe Accident Corporate Punishment Act and is also pushing for amendments to other laws as Same time.

For this reason, both from the Justice Party and from the unions come criticism that the will to sanction companies is weak, contrary to what has been officially revealed.

Reporter Kim Dae-geun reports.


Lee Nak-yeon, the leader of the Dong-A Democratic Party, who has repeatedly emphasized the harsh corporate punishment law for disasters that strengthens criminal penalties for employers.

After the representative speech of the negotiating organization in September,

[이낙연 / 더불어민주당 대표 (9월 7일 교섭단체 대표연설) : 해마다 2천여 명의 노동자들이 산업현장에서 희생되십니다. 그런 불행을 이제는 막아야 합니다. 생명안전기본법, 중대재해기업처벌법 제정이 그 시작입니다.]

Since then, the official party meeting has also mentioned the importance of handling the bill.

[이낙연 / 더불어민주당 대표 : 중대재해기업처벌법, 공정경제 3법도 이번에 처리한다는 우리의 원칙을 지키며 소관 상임위의 심의에 적극적으로 임할 것입니다.]

As such, the need for the Severe Accident Business Penalties Act was emphasized several times, but it was not adopted as a party argument.

In addition, a separate proposal for an amendment to the Occupational Health and Safety Act with overlapping content generated controversy.

The revised Sanan Act bill prepared by Representative Chang Cheol-min is to impose a fine of up to 10 billion won on the relevant corporation if an accident occurs in which three or more people die at the same time or three or more more people die within a year in violation of security measures.

Furthermore, in the event of a fatal accident, a lower limit on the fine was imposed to pay at least KRW 5 million to the employer, and if the CEO of the company did not properly confirm the occurrence of a major disaster, a fine was imposed. of not more than 10 million KRW.

There is a difference in that the Serious Accidents Law, which started earlier, strengthened criminal penalties so that employers could be sentenced to two years or more or three years or more, while the amendment to the Industrial Safety Law induces measures corporate security with fines.

The Democratic Party is in the position that it is simultaneously reviewing the revised bill for the Industrial Safety Act and the Corporate Punishment for Severe Accidents Act.

However, the Justice Party, which has been calling for the enactment of the Law on Sanctioning Companies with Serious Accidents, is protesting, as the Party’s Policy Committee is said to have placed emphasis on the revision of the Sanan Law .

[강은미 / 정의당 원내대표 : 노동자들의 목숨값에 몇 푼 더 쳐주겠다는 천박한 인식에 유감을 표합니다.//더불어민주당은 산재공화국 방치하는 산업안전보건법 개악을 중단하고, 중대재해기업처벌법 제정을 당론으로 추진해 주십시오.]

Both unions also strongly criticize that increasing fines without a lower prison limit makes no sense as a countermeasure against workplace accidents.

As the ruling party moves back and forth, controversy is expected to grow in the process of reviewing the legislation by the standing committee of the National Assembly.

YTN Kim Dae-geun[[email protected]]it is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]