[정치]Democracy “Apologize also for the strength of the people” …



When former President Lee Myung-bak was sentenced to 17 years in prison, the Democratic Party together demanded that the truth be revealed and an apology for the power of the people.

The power of the people saves words and has only presented a brief official position of regrettable history.

Reporter Baek Jong-gyu reported.


When former President Lee Myung-bak was sentenced to 17 years in prison, the Democratic Party as a whole welcomed the truth being revealed after 13 years.

The BBK special prosecutor who gave the leniency after grasping the situation of the embezzlement of 12 billion Das in 2008 is revealed to be a political prosecutor.

They also apologized for the power of the people and pressured it to cooperate with the launch of the criminal investigation bureau of senior officials to prevent recidivism.

[신영대 / 더불어민주당 대변인 : 특검이 정치적으로 악용된 대표적인 사례다. 국민의힘은 이명박 박근혜 전 대통령의 비리에 대해 국민께 사과하고, 과오를 되풀이하지 않기 위해 공수처 출범에 협조해야 한다.]

The Open Democratic Party went a step further, calling for the rescue of hidden assets, and the Justice Party criticized it for reflecting on the sin that led the state system to ruin even on the way to jail.

[조혜민 / 정의당 대변인: 이러한 범죄를 저지른 이가 대통령이었다는 사실이 부끄럽고 한탄스러울 지경입니다.]

The Popular Party also responded that it was a just punishment.

However, the power of the people spared words.

Kim Jong-in, chairman of the Emergency Response Committee, who even reviewed the public apology,

[김종인 / 국민의힘 비상대책위원장 : 그야 법원의 판결인데, 거기에 대해서 뭐라고 내가 이야기할 순 없어요.]

Ho-young Joo also refrained from evaluating.

The president’s recurring party-level criminal sanctions gave only a brief comment that it was a regrettable story.

[배준영 / 국민의힘 대변인 : 개개인의 잘잘못 여부를 떠나, 대통령에게 너무 많은 권한을 준 헌법 체계에서 싹트지 않았는지 진지하게 고민하고 대안을 마련할 때입니다.]

The strength of the people Internally, there are voices to officially apologize and cut with the past, but there are many reactions that are unfair.

However, it can be interpreted that the leadership level has decided that it is never in favor of the party to evaluate the final verdict.

YTN Baek Jong-kyu[[email protected]]is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]