[정치]Choo Mi-ae, recommended ‘speed setting’ for the candidate for Minister of Public Transport … Why?



Yesterday (18), the Nominating Committee for the Head of the Crime Investigation Department of Senior Public Officials delayed the selection of the final candidate for another 10 days.

Justice Minister Choo Mi-ae is said to have played a key role in this decision.

Various interpretations are emerging as to why Minister Chu, who was actively involved in the launch of the airlift, made this decision.

Reporter Choi A-young reports.


When the nomination of the candidate for head of the senior criminal investigation department was again postponed, the launch of the New Years airlift, which President Moon had hoped for, became virtually difficult.

The prevailing perspective was that the Democratic Party, which handled the amendment to the Air Transport Act, which neutralized the opposition party’s opposition, would enter a “battle of speed.”

[김종민 / 더불어민주당 최고위원 (그제) : 지난달 25일 열린 4차 회의 이후 3주 만에 다시 열려서 국민의 기대가 큽니다. 추천 절차를 마무리해서 속도를 낼 것으로 기대합니다.]

Finally, as requested by the people, the recommendation of the opposition party was recruited and the meeting was held again on the 28th.

[이찬희 / 당연직 공수처장 후보 추천위원 : 법리적인 문제를 떠나서 국회의장께서 추천을 요청하셨고, 또한 위원 모두가 원만하게 후보를 추천하는 것이 좋다는 것에 동의했기 때문에….]

Members of the ruling party opposed this decision, but it was unexpectedly the Minister of Justice, Choo Mi-ae, who ended the battle.

It is said that the first proposal was made to accept the assertion of the people’s strength and to recruit members of the opposition party and receive more candidates to the head of the airlift.

[이헌 / 국민의힘 공수처장 후보 추천위원 : 23일 오후 6시까지 새로 후보자 추가 추천을 허용한다고 돼 있습니다. 지금 여당, 야당, 당연직을 불문하고 추천하기로 했습니다.]

When Minister Chu, who was actively involved in the launch of the Airborne Division, suddenly began to adjust the pace, interest is reflected in the background.

In the first place, it is analyzed that he has taken a step backwards, unlike before, to ensure the legitimacy of the selection procedure for the first head of public transport.

In addition, as there is also a staff hearing, it is interpreted in the sense that we will make a justification considering the opposition of the opposition.

On the one hand, it has even been observed that Minister Chu may have deliberately delayed with a new candidate for the chief of the airlift to suit the taste of the passport.

Amid various interpretations of Minister Chu’s mind, the true intention is expected to be revealed in the recommendation of the final candidate for Minister of Public Affairs on the 28th.

YTN Choi Ayoung[[email protected]]is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]