[정치]Amendment to the Air Transport Law … ‘Good things’ 39.6% vs ‘Wrong things’ 54.2%



How does public opinion view the approval of the amendment to the law for the corruption investigation agency of high-ranking public officials, abbreviated as air transport agency, amid opposition from the opposition party?

Evaluations were mixed based on ideology and support for the party, but negative responses were highest among shamans and the middle class.

This is Lee Yeon-ah.

[기자] [박병석 / 국회의장 (지난 10일) : 찬성 187인, 반대 99인, 기권 1인으로 고위공직자 범죄수사처 설치 및 운영에 관한 법률 일부 개정법률안 대안은 가결됐음을 선포합니다.]

The key point of the Air Transport Law, which crossed the threshold of the National Assembly after the work of the 10th, neutralized the veto power of the opposition party by softening the quorum of votes of the Commissioner’s Recommendation Committee.

It also includes reducing the requirement for prosecutors to work in the airborne office from 10 to 7 years of attorney qualification.

The Democratic Party is speeding up the launch of the airlift every day, saying it was an essential task to complete the reform of the institutions of power.

[이낙연 / 더불어민주당 대표 (어제) : 권력기관들의 상호견제와 균형을 통해 권한 남용과 인권 침해를 막고 비리와 유착의 고리를 단절할 것입니다.]

The people face that the power of the people is the dictatorship and that the candidate for the Minister of Public Affairs must be discussed again from the beginning.

[주호영 / 국민의힘 원내대표 (어제) : 법 개정을 밀어붙이는 이유도 검찰이 자신들을 향하는 부정 비리 수사 막고 장기집권 기반을 마련하기 위해….]

YTN asked about public opinion through Real Meter.

More than half in 10 people said that passing the amendment to the Air Transport Law was “wrong”, and 39.6% said it was a “good job”.

There was a big difference between the supporting parts.

87.9% of Democratic Party supporters responded that it was ‘a good thing’ and 90.2% of popular supporters responded that it was ‘a wrong thing’.

More than half of the shamans said it was “wrong”.

Ideological tendencies also mixed.

71.4% of the conservative tendencies and 58.0% of the moderate tendencies answered that it was “bad”, while 66.9% of the progressive tendencies rated “good work”.

By age group, in their 30s, 40s and 50s, the positive and negative evaluations were very mixed, and in the rest of the age groups, more than 60% answered “incorrect”.

More than half of the public opinion that the airborne law was passed is because there were many negative responses from the shaman and the middle class.

It is interpreted that it also reflects the affirmation of the popular force that the process of approval of the law itself was one-way by the ruling party.

YTN Lee Yeona[[email protected]]is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]