[정치]555 billion won begins budget review … the power of the people “I will cut 15 billion won”


November begins the ‘Budget War’ … First, the preliminary examination of the standing committee
Comprehensive selection based on preliminary selection by preliminary committee and standing committee
Assessment must be completed by November 30 … December 1 auto negative
Legal processing deadline December 2 … Observe exactly once in 20 years.


Starting with President Moon Jae-in’s remarkable speech, the National Assembly began to review the budget for the next year, worth 55.8 trillion won, presented by the government.

The force of the people is advocating to cut more than 15 trillion won.

This is reporter Woo Cheol-hee.


After hearing President Moon Jae-in’s comments on the correction, the National Assembly is entering a ‘budget war’ for about a month.

First, each standing committee conducts a preliminary review of the budget proposal for the relevant ministries.

In addition, the Special Committee on Budget and Accounts is in charge of the comprehensive review of the entire budget based on the preliminary review of the Standing Committee.

After the public hearing on the 2nd of the following month, beginning on the 4th, a comprehensive policy investigation and sub-evaluation will be conducted, and a subcommittee review will be conducted to reduce and increase each budget item in detail. .

The budget proposal must be reviewed no later than the 30th of the following month and delivered to the plenary, if the review is not completed, it will be automatically referred to the plenary on December 1.

The next day, December 2, the processing period stipulated in the Constitution expires, and it has not been met in the last 20 years, except in 2014 when the automatic abatement system was introduced.

[이낙연 / 더불어민주당 대표 : 당연한 일이지만 최대한 정부 원안에 충실하게, 그러나 더 합리적인 방안이 있다면 받아들이면서 제한된 시간 안에 통과하도록 해주셨으면 좋겠습니다.]

The key is the cooperation of the opposition.

However, the popular power stipulates that the government budget is called the “debt pile super expansion budget”.

In particular, the Korean version of the New Deal project, which includes 10 trillion won, will cut an unnecessary budget of 15 trillion won or more.

[추경호 / 국민의힘 예산결산특위 간사 : 대부분 간판만 바꾼 재탕 사업인 한국판 뉴딜 예산을 최소 50% 이상 삭감해 코로나19로 고통받는 소상공인과 중산층·서민층 지원에 최소 10조 원 이상….]

Furthermore, it may be a problem to include a plan to issue additional government bonds with a deficit of close to 90 trillion won in a situation where financial strength has deteriorated rapidly due to the crown 19, which has been additionally implemented four times. only this year.

Given that it is difficult to abandon either of the two proposals to overcome Corona 19 and fiscal soundness, the budget revision for next year augurs a more fierce battle than ever.

YTN Woo Chul-hee[[email protected]]is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]