[정치]4th Resolution ‘Super Extra’ Disaster Subsidies …


Additional Resolution for ‘Fourth Disaster Grant’ … KRW 19.5 billion
“The will to overcome the crisis of public welfare … Calling on the National Assembly to accelerate the process”
Temporary National Assembly begins in March … The “ further scrutiny ” of the ruling and opposition parties


At the State Council meeting, the government voted in favor of an additional budget containing a fourth customized disaster support fund worth KRW 1.95 trillion.

President Moon Jae-in said this is the largest of the crown’s four disaster grants and called on the National Assembly to speed it up, and the opposition parties are already waging a fierce war of nerves.

This is reporter Cha Jung-yoon.


At a state council meeting, the government voted in favor of an additional budget containing KRW 19.5 trillion in personalized disaster assistance.

This is the largest of the crown’s four disaster grants, which are an additional 15 trillion won plus the previously secured budget of 4.5 trillion won.

President Moon Jae-in said it contained the government’s will to overcome a jobs and public welfare crisis more serious than ever before, and called on the National Assembly to address it immediately.

[문재인 대통령 : 이번의 재난지원금은 네 차례의 코로나 재난지원금 중 가장 큰 규모로, 두텁고 폭넓게 피해계층을 지원하면서 사각지대를 최소화하는데 각별히 신경을 썼습니다.]

However, a fierce nervous war is expected between the opposition parties over the pre-screening of the super supplemental bill.

Additionally, the Democratic Party has set out to process the supplemental bill in plenary session on the 18th as early as the 18th after a two-week preliminary review.

The plan is to complete the assessment as quickly as possible and pay the support fund beginning later this month.

[김태년 / 더불어민주당 원내대표 : 무엇보다 추경 심사를 빠르게 진행해서 3월에 재난 지원금 지급이 가능하도록 하겠습니다. 모쪼록 이번 재난지원금이 민생회복과 경제도약을 앞당기는 마중물이 되길 바랍니다.]

In response to this, the force of the people was an act of electoral ticketing that ignored the national treasury and foreshadowed the examination of the auger.

With a public debt close to KRW 1,000 trillion, the ruling party has not been able to find the answer on how to solve the rising debt ratio.

[주호영 / 국민의힘 원내대표 : 사실상 매표 행위나 다를 바가 없습니다. 국고를 무시한 매표 행위에 국민의 각성이 반드시 앞서야 할 것입니다.]

The government plans to present the voted supplementary bill to the National Assembly tomorrow (4), and politicians are wrestling with bill issues such as the supplementary bill and the Three Laws on Win-Win Cooperation.

YTN Cha Jung-yoon[[email protected]]is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]