[정치]3rd support fund ‘Solol’ before the Lunar New Year holidays … “Put it in this budget”



As the coronavirus enters the third epidemic, discussions about the payment of disaster support funds are slowly raising their heads in the political world.

But again, the solution is different in terms of financing method.

The force of the people has been urged to be reflected immediately in the government’s budget for next year, but the ruling party is in a position where it is practically impossible, and should use a reserve fund if necessary or organize an additional budget considering the scale of the damage.

This is a reporter, Manager


The government’s position was that there were no additional disaster subsidies earlier this month.

This year alone, financial strength has deteriorated rapidly due to the four additional additions.

[정세균 / 국무총리(지난 4일 예결위) : 예산안에는 그런 내용이 포함되지 않았기 때문에 정부가 3차 재난지원금에 대해서 다른 의견을 내는 것은 적절치 않다]

However, the situation has changed when Corona 19 enters the third epidemic.

Within the ruling party, opinions on the payment of subsidies raised since the beginning of this month are gaining strength.

[이해식 / 더불어민주당 의원(지난 4일 예결위) : 적어도 4차 추경 방식으로라도 재난지원금 지급을 검토해보는 것이 좋겠다고 생각하는데….]

Gyeonggi Governor Lee Jae-myeong also joined forces.

Before the upcoming Lunar New Year holidays, we ask everyone to pay for disaster assistance in the form of local currency.

The people’s power demanded that the budget for Corona 19 support be included in next year’s budget immediately.

The intention is to reduce the New Deal budget and return it to the Corona 19 support fund.

[김종인 / 국민의힘 비상대책위원장 : 코로나 사태와 결부돼있는 재난지원금이라든가 경제에 파생될 여러 가지 효과에 대한 대책이라든가 이런 것이 (내년도 예산안에) 포함되지 않은 것 같습니다.]

However, the position of the Democratic Party is that it is practically impossible to organize the budget at this time with the budget deliberation last.

Even if they apply, they will use the reserve fund or see the size of the damage and review the supplement.

The Justice Party even devised a plan to receive and enforce a special disaster tax.

[장혜영 / 정의당 원내수석부대표 : 2022년까지 한시적으로 위기 속에서도 소득이 크게 올랐거나 꾸준히 높은 소득을 올리고 있는 기업과 개인들을 대상으로 세금을 부과하고 그렇게 걷힌 재원을 위기 극복에 사용하자는 것입니다.]

Both parties seem to agree on the need to release more money from the government in accordance with the current situation of Corona 19.

However, as each political party changes its position on how to raise funds, the battle is expected to continue in budget governance.

YTN Manager[[email protected]]it is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]