[자막뉴스] Students Who Suddenly Removed Luggage from Dorm … The Reason Why College Is Tumultuous


Seoul University Dormitory.

A student walks out with a futon pack.

We are in a hurry to download the news that the dormitory will be equipped with a bed for asymptomatic and mild corona 19 patients.

[이수빈 / 서울시립대 기숙사생 : 갑자기 퇴소 결정을 내려버리니까 집이 고창인데 생활치료센터 개소 때문에 짐 빼서 나오게 됐습니다.]

A municipal university that announced it would provide a dormitory as a treatment center for the first time among Seoul universities.

There will be 520 beds, but the Central Library is only 300 meters away.

I can’t help but worry about getting ahead.

[최다영 / 서울시립대 기숙사생 : 중앙도서관 많이 이용할 텐데 가까워서 감염되면 어떡하나 하는 걱정도 좀 있어요.]

Some 500 people who stayed in the dormitory erupted in anger and said they had lost their place to go in no time.

Even though the school came up with a housing support plan late, it’s not a downside or two.

[김성중 / 서울시립대 총학생회장 : 호텔이 세 군데가 나오긴 했는데, 쫓겨나는 마당에 학생들이 1인 1실도 아니고 2인 1실. 심지어 룸메이트가 누군지 설정도 할 수 없는 상황이잖아요.]

Eight other universities, including Seoul National University, were also asked to rent facilities.

It is a staff room with 120 rooms.

Seoul National University is discussing a plan to provide a staff room instead of a dormitory as a life treatment center.

This is because we want to minimize the violation of students’ right to live.

There are students who accept it because it is a necessary facility,

[조우성 / 서울대 4학년 : 기피 시설이다 보니 걱정하는 시선도 있을 텐데 그래도 어차피 만들어져야 할 시설이라면 학교 안에 하나쯤 있는 것도….]

There is also concern that the possibility of spreading infectious diseases could increase in schools with a large floating population.

[이진규 / 서울대 1학년 : 학생들의 왕래가 계속 있는 곳인데 이곳에 설치한다는 건 좀 아무래도 좀 문제가 될 수 있지 않을까….]

Of the 2,100 hospital beds at the Life Therapy Center in Seoul, only 451 are immediately available.

Quarantine authorities, who were able to secure additional beds, appreciated the participation of the universities, but

Students are requesting reliable housing support or meticulous quarantine measures.

Reporter: Dayeon Kim
Shooting reporter: Yoon Won-sik
Display provided: Seoul University students

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]