[사회]Vaccination consent rate AZ 93.6% … delivered to hospital since 25



When asked about their intention to vaccinate the first vaccinated against AstraZeneca’s Corona 19 vaccine, more than 93% answered that they would be correct.

Consequently, the vaccines were delivered to each hospital and nursing facility starting on the 25th day according to the number of people, and the vaccination was carried out as scheduled.

Reporter Park Hong-gu about the report.


The primary target of the AstraZeneca vaccine is those under 65 among residents and workers in hospitals and nursing facilities.

A total of about 309,000 people, of which 289,000 said they would be right.

The consent rate is 93.6%.

Among them, 93.9% of the nursing hospital workers with the highest number of them expressed their intention to vaccinate and 90% of the patients admitted to the nursing hospital accepted the vaccination.

In nursing facilities, 95.5% of residents and workers said they would receive the vaccine.

The consent rate is considered high compared to the controversy about the efficacy of several European countries that withhold vaccination for the elderly.

[백순영 / 가톨릭대 의대 명예교수 : 의료진이 안맞겠다고 하면 일반 국민들 입장에서 보면 의료진도 안 맞겠다는데 내가 맞을 이유가 없게 되기 때문에 아스트라제네카 백신 우리가 첫발을 내딛는 백신접종인데 이 부분에 차질이 생길 수 있었는데..]

As the number of vaccinations is confirmed, the vaccine will be delivered to nursing hospitals and health centers starting on the 25th according to the number of people.

In nursing hospitals, vaccines are provided by their own medical staff, and in nursing facilities, vaccines are administered through public health facilities.

[이상원 / 중앙방역대책본부 역학조사분석단장 : 요양병원은 백신을 수령한 다음 날로부터 5일 이내에 자체접종을 완료하고, 보건소는 관할지역 내의 요양시설 등에 대해서 3월 말까지 방문 또는 내소하여 접종을 완료할 계획입니다.]

The consent rate for the Pfizer vaccine was 94.6%, slightly higher than that of AstraZeneca.

About 55,000 of the 58,000 medical staff at Corona 19 treatment hospital who are subject to vaccination said they would be vaccinated.

The initial quantity of Pfizer vaccine is known to be delivered to Korea around next week.

Quarantine authorities plan to finalize the vaccination plan sooner or later by asking whether workers at high-risk medical institutions, such as advanced general hospitals and corona responders19, such as epidemiological researchers, have consented to vaccination.

This is YTN Park Hong-gu.

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