The antiviral drug’remdesivir controversy over the efficacy of Corona 19
Approved by the US FDA in May … Korea has also used it since July
WHO “no effect” clinical results “need to review” quarantine authorities are cautious
In relation to the controversy over the efficacy of ” remdesivir, ” which is used as a treatment for Corona 19, quarantine authorities have taken a cautious position and have said the results of the investigation should be further reviewed.
He said there is no need to change home treatment guidelines immediately and that it will continue to be administered to seriously ill patients who need oxygen.
Reporter Ki Jung-hoon reports.
[기자]It is an antiviral drug “amdesivir” from Gilead Sciences, an American pharmaceutical company.
It was originally a treatment for Ebola, but it is known to be effective for patients with severe corona19.
It was urgently approved by the US Food and Drug Administration ‘FDA’ in May, and has been used in Korea since last July, but controversy arose when the results of recent clinical trials of it were released. the World Health Organization (WHO).
In a word, the treatment had little effect because neither the mortality rate nor the length of hospitalization was reduced.
However, quarantine authorities took a cautious position and said further review is needed.
[권준욱 / 중앙방역대책본부 부본부장 : 연구결과에 대한 전문가적인 리뷰가 좀 필요한 상황이기 때문에 지금으로서는 아직까지 국내에 치료지침 등을 변경하거나 어떤 개선하거나 할 여지, 필요는 현 단계에서는 없는 것으로 그렇게 판단하고 있습니다.]The WHO clinical results that there was no difference in mortality were also known, and explained that 11 cases of side effects that occurred in Korea were not dangerous.
The WHO clinical results will be closely reviewed once the review is completed and, to date, maintains guidelines for the delivery of oxygen to critically ill patients.
[서경원 / 식약처 의약품심사부장 : 대상 환자 그리고 지역적 의료환경, 시험방법과 결과 등을 종합적으로 면밀하게 검토할 예정이고요. 현재까지는 저희의 허가사항대로 전문가가 판단하셔서 사용하시면 되겠습니다.]As of 4 pm on the 16th, there are 618 patients in 63 hospitals in Korea who have received remdesivir.
YTN Ki Jeong-hoon[prodi@ytn.co.kr]is.
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